Tag Archives: success


Create a mindset for success.

Have a list of your goals, the action steps and your alternativesuccess through visualization and rehearsal plan somewhere where you can readily review them. As you move closer to success and progress to your ultimate goal, regularly review your goals.  Ask yourself  the following question: “What would I do if this step didn’t work?”

Success also depends on your focus.
  • How committed are you to the goals you have set, regardless of the obstacles that may pop up in your way? By focusing on the goal and making it the most important thing in your life (for now) you must learn to ignore your inner critic by taking consistent action. Let go of the final outcome and focus on your journey.

Evaluate your progress and make a note of what is working for you and what’s not.

  • Is there room for improvement?
  • Do you need to change your approach? Evaluate your original plan and notice if it is still relevant and even more important, once you have reached your ultimate goal….
  • What’s next?

Start planning for your next goal following these five steps to success!

Did you miss the success tips?

Here they are briefly:

  1.  Create a mindset for success
  2.  List your goals   
  3.  Action steps
  4. Have a Plan B
  5. Review regularly

If you would like more information on coaching or any of the other services that I offer, fill in the contact form below.

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Meg Phillips Master Practitioner Member of ABNLP

Setting A Goal

There is a difference between setting a goal and achieving that same goal.

The idea of setting a goal is to move you from one place (usually “stuck”) to another. If you don’t know the way, you may well get lost or easily sidetracked, but if you have a map, even a rudimentary one or an ancient one – well used, you will get there more easily.

You may need to adjust your journey according to the conditions at the time.

For me to set a goal, I also need to include some measure of flexibility. The first thing to think about when setting a goal is where do you want to go to or achieve?

To achieve your goal you need to follow some specific steps.

Seems simple enough, but let me share some steps that I use with coaching clients with you to make it easier. Traditional and specific ways of setting a goal that I have found useful are based on using the following prompts:

  • When – setting a date for when you want to achieve your goal
  • Whatwhat exactly do you want? State this in the present tense so that your subconscious mind registers the goal “as if” the goal has been achieved.
  • Where – if you are looking for a new house or a job, where do you want it to be?
  • Howhow will you achieve your goal?
  • Whodo you have anyone to help you achieve your goals? Who can you enlist to be accountable?
  • WhyWhat are the benefits to YOU for achieving your goals?

To be continued….

Which path will you take?

You may be familiar with the metaphor of the fork in the road or crossroads, where a decision has to be made.

For most people the decision is easy and they choose the path most familiar and they will continue to get the same results as they are already getting. This familiarity provides certainty and in their minds is the safest option. As they travel, they tick off the familiar landmarks along the path and know when they will arrive at their destination and what to expect when they get there.

Yet for those who choose that other, sometimes risky path are open to adventure and a journey of a lifetime. Extraordinary results lie like gems scattered at the edges of this new path. It is not worn by the heavy footsteps of those who choose the other path.

Those who traverse this path need a different mindset and will need to rely on other senses to navigate it. This path will test you to know deep inside what you are capable of and to explore what you stand for and what qualities within you that you want to cultivate and develop.

Occasionally you may want to glance back at where you came from and that will show you how far you have travelled. As L P Hartley wrote in The Go-Between… “The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there”.

Travelling along the other path will necessitate change within and as such you will be a different person, richer for the experiences as you continue this journey. Those who choose the familiar path may no longer understand you.  Another saying you may be familiar with is “Success is a journey, not the destination”, but it’s often the change of scenery and companions that provides the impetus to transformation.  A map is handy, as is some idea of where you want to go and it is important to have a current map or reliable GPS to refer to if needed… Once you have decided on the destination you can let go of that and focus on the means to enrich the journey to get there.

Mapping Your Resources

possibilityCreating your own treasure map is possible…. When you map the resources you have and identify what you need, then you are better equipped to start your journey.

Have recently completed a course to become a Professional Supervisor, I came across a great exercise in the textbook we had to read and have used it in some sessions I have already taken.

You need a large sheet of paper and lots of coloured pens or textas. If you feel so inclined, you could also have on hand some old magazines, scissors and glue – to create a collage – very similar to vision boarding.

In the centre, draw a representation of yourself – it can be a symbol or a picture but make it large enough so that you can draw or write symbols/diagrams or words that represent your INNER resources. If there is no room, that’s fine – just attach them to the original drawing.

Next, think about all the things, people, events that support and sustain you, yet are external to you. Place them around the symbol/picture of yourself.

  • Are they near or far,
  • evenly spaced or grouped,
  • are the links strong or weak?
  • What is missing?
  • Do they lift  you up or weigh you down?

Use as much colour and texture as you feel necessary.

Take completely different colour and draw symbols or pictures of things that BLOCK you, or are in the way to fulfilling your dreams.

It could be FEAR – when it comes down to it, we all have fears and the three most basic fears are:

  • Fear of not being loved
  • Fear of not being good enough
  • Fear of not belonging

and these are what hold us back.  Fear of not being good enough can lead to a fear of failure and yes, even fear of success. Strange but true! Many people have a fear of success, because they think that in being successful they may lose friends and therefore no longer “belong”.

The object of identifying the fears and the resources both within and around us it to allow us to work on building new and stronger resources. We have a choice – we can “feel the fear and do it anyway”  (as Susan Jeffers so succinctly put it in her book) or we can choose to feel the opposite…. appreciation. I wonder what feels better!!

Going back to your resource map … what treasures have you discovered?

What tools, people or things do you appreciate for having got you to where you are now?

What do you need to move forward?

Is your inner compass set right to get you to your destiny?

Well, you are the mapmaker in this case… so look to your inner resources and review them. Cast your eye over your external resources and blocks and decide what to keep and what to change. Dig deep enough in the centre and you will find gold.

Open Heart

BlossomGood, healthy food is necessary to nourish the body and in the same way, good, healthy friendships nourish the heart.

To be “open hearted” is often forgotten in the whirlwind of setting up a business. In the birthing of a business, there can be tremendous creativity, excitement and a sense of hope as one moves towards realizing a dream and one can forget about nurturing your spiritual side.

Not all you the people you meet will be competitors. You may hear negative comments about your idea and yes, these may wound your psyche if you allow it. In this case, you will need to make a decision about whose advice you are going to take – which could be difficult if it is someone close.

When you contemplate and plan your business direction, notice if you feel a spark of passion, a sense of excitement and a feeling that you will be able to overcome any obstacles to fulfilling your dream. It is unfortunate that there are people on this earth that take delight in others misfortune, but remember, this stems from their envy and greed.

An oft quoted saying is ” that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear” and staying open to this idea will allow you to accept genuine acts of kindness when they are offered. Moments like these can be magical. There is a mystery, a synchronicity to being “open hearted”.

Listen and learn.

You may make mistakes, but these are opportunities to learn and grow.

Have gratitude for the opportunity to make mistakes and be like the Ancient Wise Ones who believed  that a successful life comes from a love of genuinely loving what you do and what you are. When you follow your heart and listen to that inner wisdom, you are awakening a higher power within yourself.

Expand your awareness and let the Universe provide you with the signs that you are taking the right steps. Look beyond the obvious, and occasionally just stay still and let things unfold as they should.

Notice the little things, sharpen your senses and wonder at the beauty around you. As you do this, notice your purpose in the grander scheme of life. Enhanced awareness helps you to rejuvenate your entire sensory system and taking the time to do this will enable you to face problems with greater ease and make intelligent decisions. Standing in integrity with the intention to achieve your dreams will attract others  to you with a similar mindset and an open heart.

Principles for Success

An important principle for success is to know what it is you want to achieve. If you are going to be the master of your own destiny, you must take action to make choices that will lead you to your outcome, rather than sitting back and waiting for life to happen.

Many people live their lives without specific goals or outcomes and very little effort. Life just happens for them. It seems that in life when you are focused on your problems, then that is the most probable outcome.

Conversely, if you know you have a goal or outcome and focus on that goal, then you will improve your chances of success. It may not come immediately, but with persistence and application, you will improve your results.

So what is your intent for today?

What is it that you are aiming to achieve?

Make your intent or goal specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Using this proven method of goal setting, you will find that you will achieve your goals more easily. Once you have decided what outcome you want, then take action. You could have a brilliant plan, but it’s no use if you are firmly set behind your computer screen or sprawled on the couch watching TV.

Check in to see if your actions are effective and you are producing the results that you want. If the outcome is not what you want, then be flexible enough to change and do it differently.  Einstein said that “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. “ Be willing to change as often as is necessary to get the results that you want.
Success will come also, when you believe it to be possible.

Create a body language that assists you to achieve. Stand up tall, breathe in and breathe effectively. Pull those shoulders back. Project an aura of success, even when the going gets tough and make an effort to be even more determined in your intention to succeed.  Change really comes from within and the subconscious mind will accept as true that you are living a successful life, the brain secretes endorphins and you feel the excellence!

Change your mind and believe that anything is possible. Re-frame negative thoughts and beliefs into something more sustainable. Your thoughts will affect your emotions and once you are focussed on your successful future, anything is possible!