Tag Archives: respect


Respect is another of those words that has many different layers.

It can mean a regard for the rights of others, a feeling of admiration for certain qualities in another, a reverence for living things or it can be a kind of a social code or responsibility to act in a certain way.

We can also have respect for ourselves and this is shown by our emotional, spiritual and physical responses.  Emotional respect is about honouring yourself and other living beings. Included in this is the respect we show to others by not gossiping or saying untrue things about others.

But what is Truth?

Often based on our own perception, it can be skewed by ego and illusion and occasionally when we “speak our truth”, it is not the truth of the intended recipient and an emotional hurt occurs.

The Reiki precepts

Just for Today
Do not Anger
Do not Worry
Be Humble
Be Honest in your Work
Be Compassionate to Yourself and Others
  teach us respect and compassion and it certainly feels good to be kind and respectful to ourselves.  

Spiritual respect is more about a quiet reverence for all that the Universe provides and our connection to whatever higher power or divinity that we pay attention to.

Physical respect is about our stance, how we hold our bodies and how we wear our clothes.  It’s also about respecting and establishing clear boundaries and not getting into other peoples personal space.