Tag Archives: Reiki

Reiki and New Moon Manifesting

Reiki at Balance4LifeReiki and the practice of manifesting with the New Moon involve combining the energy and your intentions for the coming month to bring about positive changes in your life.

While they are separate practices, some people choose to combine them to enhance their manifestation efforts. Here’s an overview of each practice and how they can be used together:


Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan. It involves the practitioner channeling universal life force energy to promote healing, balance, and relaxation in the recipient. In a Reiki treatment, I use my hands to gently touch or hover over specific areas of the body, chakras, or energy centers, allowing energy to flow and facilitate healing. ssSessions often will reduce stress, promote emotional well-being, and enhance physical healing. It can also be applied to manifesting goals and intentions.

New Moon Manifesting:

The New Moon is a significant phase in the lunar cycle and is often associated with new beginnings, setting intentions, and manifesting goals. Many people believe that the energy of the New Moon can amplify their intentions and desires. As a result this makes it an optimal time to set new goals and manifest positive changes in various aspects of life.

To practice New Moon manifesting, take some time to reflect on your desires, set clear and specific intentions, and visualize your goals as already achieved. It can be helpful to use tools like vision boards, journalling, or meditation to aid your New Moon manifesting session.

Combining the two:

Combining New Moon manifesting with Reiki can be a powerful way to amplify your intentions and manifest your desires. During a New Moon, the energy is especially conducive to setting intentions, therefore by incorporating Reiki into your manifesting you will amplify the effect.

In addition the Reiki energy will help you clear blockages, release any negative energy or limiting beliefs that may be hindering your manifestations, and infuse your intentions with positive, healing energy. Most importantly, if you have been attuned to the Reiki energy, you can use the symbols and techniques to further enhance your manifestation meditation or visualization. This will allow the energy to flow to your intentions more effectively.

Remember that the effectiveness of these practices may vary from person to person, and it’s essential to approach them with an open heart and a clear intention. Whether you choose to combine New Moon manifesting with Reiki or practice them separately, they can both be valuable tools for personal growth, healing, and manifestation.

Reiki and Reading Sessions

Having an oracle card reading can complement a Reiki session by providing additional guidance, insights, and clarity. Here are five ways in which an oracle card reading can enhance your Reiki session:

Intuitive Guidanceleadership

An oracle reading can tap into your intuition and the wisdom of the cards or symbols used in the reading. This can offer guidance on specific aspects of your life, emotional patterns, or energetic blockages that might be relevant to your Reiki session.

Identifying Energetic Patterns

Oracle cards often reflect archetypal energies or themes. By drawing cards before a Reiki session, you may gain insights into recurring patterns, belief systems, or emotional states that are affecting your energy. This can help you to become aware of any patterns and release them during the session.

Setting Intentions

Oracle cards can assist in setting clear intentions for the Reiki session. By drawing cards that represent your desired outcomes or areas of focus, you establish a conscious intention for the healing process. This helps and directs the Reiki energy toward specific areas.

Deepening Self-Reflection

Oracle readings encourage self-reflection and introspection. By contemplating the messages and symbols in the cards, you may gain a deeper understanding of your emotions, thoughts, and energetic state. This self-awareness can create a more receptive and transformative environment during the Reiki session.

Release what hasn't workedValidation and Confirmation

Sometimes, an oracle reading can validate and confirm intuitive feelings or insights you have been experiencing. If you have been sensing certain imbalances or areas of growth, an oracle reading can provide affirmation and strengthen your trust in your own intuition.

Ready for your session?

Hypnotherapy, Coaching and Reiki

Hypnotherapy, Coaching, and Reiki are three different forms of holistic therapies are all offered at Balance4Life Programs. Each therapy can benefit you in various ways. Here’s a brief explanation of each therapy and the benefits:

  • Hypnotherapy: Hypnotherapy is an evidence based therapy that uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness that is sometimes called a trance. This differs from the sleep state. During the trance state, you are more open to suggestion and can be guided to make positive changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Hypnotherapy can help with a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, phobias, addiction, and even physical ailments like chronic pain or irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Coaching: Coaching focuses on helping you to achieve specific goals in your personal or professional life. As a coach, I work with you to identify your strengths and areas for improvement and then provide guidance, support, and accountability to help you achieve your goals. Amongst other things, coaching can help with career advancement, personal development, and improving relationships.
  • Reiki: Reiki is a form of energy healing that involves the use of hands-on or distance healing to balance the energy in the body. As a Reiki practitioner, I use my hands to transfer energy to you, which can help reduce stress and importantly promote relaxation. Reiki can also help with pain management, insomnia, and other physical or emotional issues.

Overall, each of these therapies can benefit you by helping you to improve your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Being able to access all these therapies in one place allows me to offer you a safe and supportive environment for personal growth and healing and can be a valuable complement to traditional medical treatments

Reiki Support Program

Reiki for Stress managementHave you been attuned to Reiki?

Too often practitioners neglect themselves, so I’ve put together a Reiki support program for practitioners at all levels. With stress levels at an all time high, it is vitally important that practitioners look after themselves.

What’s in the program?

ReikiIt’s a private group  where you will receive Reiki once a week at a set time and you are also invited to attend a monthly online group discussion and guided healing session. This is a safe place where you can re-focus your intentions and connection to the energy.

Open to all levels of practitioners from Level 1 to Teacher and from any lineage.

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Using Art as a therapy during a time of grief allows you to express your thoughts, feelings and emotions. This can be done in a variety of non verbal ways such as painting, drawing or clay work.

Other non verbal ways of expression, such as journaling and letter writing that help define what the event or deceased person meant to you allow you to start the healing process.

Guided visualizations and  Reiki can help relax you.  As you allow the body and mind to relax you can begin to sort out conflicting emotions. Therefore by using art therapy activities, your healing takes place at a deeper level and many people find that they are better equipped to move forward.

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I do so love teaching Reiki. It doesn’t matter what level it is, each training has its own special insights, both for the student and for me. My current student is learning how to be a teacher and I feel I have learnt as much from him on this journey as I may  have shared with him. Like me, he never set out to be a teacher and was a skeptic at first about distance healing, until he got feedback from clients he was working with.

Teaching is not for everyone and often it takes another person to see the talents and inner qualities that we don’t acknowledge in ourselves. For me is was waiting until the children were older and for this student, it was a chance comment by his long time friends that brought him to realize that he has so much more to offer by becoming a Reiki Teacher.

Revisiting each Reiki level brings new insights and each training brings about wonderful changes for all involved. It is as if a little bit more information is being revealed each time. Reiki helps both teacher and students to slow down and relax. The preparation for lessons and sessions is a special time. Meditation and setting the intent to work with Masters present and passed and Guides is a time to create peace both within the room, for students and myself.

Reiki energy is always gentle and will go to where it is most needed. I find that once you get yourself or ego “out of the way”, the energy flows with ease. A participant in a Reiki share commented that as she had only done Level 1 and the other participants were all Master Level or Teachers, that she was worried that her energy wasn’t as much. It took some convincing to let her know that the Reiki energy is the same for all of us regardless of what level we have studied to and that it is not our personal energy, but universal energy that we facilitate for the client. A healing session with someone who has taken Level 1 can be profound as the energy doesn’t discriminate.


Respect is another of those words that has many different layers.

It can mean a regard for the rights of others, a feeling of admiration for certain qualities in another, a reverence for living things or it can be a kind of a social code or responsibility to act in a certain way.

We can also have respect for ourselves and this is shown by our emotional, spiritual and physical responses.  Emotional respect is about honouring yourself and other living beings. Included in this is the respect we show to others by not gossiping or saying untrue things about others.

But what is Truth?

Often based on our own perception, it can be skewed by ego and illusion and occasionally when we “speak our truth”, it is not the truth of the intended recipient and an emotional hurt occurs.

The Reiki precepts

Just for Today
Do not Anger
Do not Worry
Be Humble
Be Honest in your Work
Be Compassionate to Yourself and Others
  teach us respect and compassion and it certainly feels good to be kind and respectful to ourselves.  

Spiritual respect is more about a quiet reverence for all that the Universe provides and our connection to whatever higher power or divinity that we pay attention to.

Physical respect is about our stance, how we hold our bodies and how we wear our clothes.  It’s also about respecting and establishing clear boundaries and not getting into other peoples personal space.

Start of Autumn

There’s a sense of sadness as summer draws to a close although here in Melbourne the heat remains – the days grow shorter and there is a certain lassitude in the air. Yet, I find that work has been more productive than ever. There has been a lovely balance of Reiki treatments, Hypnotherapy and Supervision sessions, interspersed with some valuable networking.

The move to Body Balance Wellness Centre has worked out well so far and I’m enjoying being able to wander around the Mt Waverley shopping village. Today I treated myself to a scrumptious vegetarian bento box for lunch at the local (authentic) Japanese takeaway. An added bonus is  that I also get to brush up my very rusty Japanese – they are very patient with me!

The home office is now tidied up again and there is a temptation to open the door and spend a bit more time in the little garden outside it. There are still 7 or 8 pomegranate saplings that grew from the seeds I saved about 6 years ago and they will need thinning out so that they can grow taller.  I thinned the group out last year and took 4 up to the retreat, but one has succumbed to the high temperatures and lack of water, as have more than half the oak trees. Once the weather cools down and these ones lose their leaves, I will transplant them to the retreat as replacements. Hopefully because they are more advanced, they will survive the extremes better.

There are a couple of Casuarinias, some Japanese Maples and a Jacaranda  seedling that I have grown from seed, but will continue to nurture here in the city until they are a little bigger and more likely to survive if they are more established.  I’ve acquired a Robinia seed pod, but am unlikely to plant that as they can grow to be very big and they sucker readily.  I found some interesting seed pods on a council street tree the other evening and might try growing some of those as they look as if they would provide some good shade and good compostable leaf litter.



HealthAt a networking meeting that I co-host, I had a conversation with a couple of Reiki Masters….

I haven’t had a Reiki for myself for some time and have kept myself busy in various ways…. working on my business, the retreat…family…..day to day stuff…..

The question was asked…”what are you doing for YOU?” as I coughed, feeling it deep within my chest…. “what are you telling YOUR clients and not doing for yourself?”…..

I knew then, that there was no hiding…. no excuses! I couldn’t blame the alignment of the planets, other people…

Time to ‘fess up, so as to speak. Isn’t that what the metaphysics is all about? Oh Dear!! I felt all teary!     Cough…Throat Chakra? One of the Reiki Masters chuckled… that’s her speciality… pushing buttons…..

Yes… I needed that…. someone to ‘call me’ on my authenticity!

isn’t it amusing how the Universe works? It sends you clients who tell you “stuff” that you need to work on for yourself.

There are two options..

  1. Be like the metaphorical ostrich and stick your head in the sand and ignore what is going on – pretend nothing is wrong and carry on….
  2. Do something about it…. take the oxygen mask that has dropped down and look after yourself first before looking after others…

I shared a little of what I was feeling at the meeting, still holding back on other issues that I thought I would work some more on changing my mindset.

A colleague popped her head into my office between clients and offered an opinion – and  another friend phoned during a free moment…

I was feeling exhausted and hoping for the Universe to offer a solution….. which of course it did later this evening

… so with a few minutes left of a busy day, I have resolved to take up the offer of a Reiki and deal with some personal issues – so that I can be more present for the clients that have chosen to book in with me…..



The Labyrinth of Life

Over the long weekend I stayed home alone and wandered along the Spiral Path. I was drawn to do this as it can be as private or public as I choose it to be. The course appealed to me as whilst I have  a couple of physical labyrinths to walk and some finger labyrinths to play with, there still seemed to be something missing. Some of the journalling prompts are challenging, but that’s the purpose. Continue reading The Labyrinth of Life