Tag Archives: New Year

New Moon New Year

A second New Moon for December 2024 and here in Australia it falls on the last day of the year. Called a “Black Moon” as two new moons in a calendar month are not often experienced, it has come at an ideal time. New Moons are about manifesting / setting goals for the month ahead. With the new year of 2025 ahead of us, it’s an ideal time to write a new chapter.

Never mind the New Year “resolutions” – most of those go by the wayside before the first two months of the year have finished! See this as an opportunity to review where you have been focusing your energy on and decide if that is what you want to continue to do in the months ahead.

Imagine if you no longer invested your attention or energy into the things that didn’t work for you in 2024 and focused on what is possible in the coming months.

Dream large and set some goals for the year – starting with the end in mind and work backwards to flesh out the steps needed to achieve them month by month, week by week, day by day. It’s the little steps (coaches call this “action”) and it will enable you to turn those dreams into reality.

Another New Year

Each new year seems to come around a lot quicker these days! Or perhaps time is really speeding up. Many will have started the New Year with resolutions, new dreams and goals and have reviewed the previous year. Some will have celebrated the various religious holidays. Others may have withdrawn from celebrations as they leave an empty chair at the table for a loved one.

From what I have garnered in conversations with friends, colleagues and clients, is that most people seem to be confident that 2018 will be a good year and better than last year. Personally, I had a reasonably good year last year and feel optimistic about this new year. Late last year I retrained in NLP (with a different trainer), finding that to be very satisfying and as a result I am combining all the therapies I use into a Flexi Package for clients.

LabyrinthAnother project is the 30 days of Gratitude, which I intend to redo each time I finish a 30 day cycle. As I write this I’m up to Day 9 and today I am asked “What place am I most grateful for?”

No surprises here, I am most grateful for the retreat which I was able to buy with a modest inheritance from my parents and has allowed me to indulge in my labyrinth building passion.

If you would like to follow this cycle then have a look in on my page Balance4Life Programs on Facebook. I’m inclined to post the next cycle here and the challenge will be to find some different things to be grateful for!


Setting up for New Year

Within youThis time of year can be filled with frantic activity to finish off chores, projects and to socialize, eat, drink and be merry.

It’s important to look after yourself and part of doing the best you can is to make sure that you don’t “burn the candle at both ends” and end up exhausted. Depleting your energy will leave you open to various ills, chills  and mental lethargy that seems to abound at this time of year. Not only that,  both your body and mind need to take a rest so that you can accomplish your future goals. This is particularly important with the round of New Year’s resolutions about to be made. Start your planning now to make realistic and achievable goals.

Firstly, taking time out to rest and rejuvenate is a way of showing love and respect for yourself. Sometimes others may not understand the need for this, but to be able to construct effective goals for the coming year, it is vitally important for you to identify what stressed you out in 2014 and ask yourself a couple of questions,  “What do I really want?”  and ” Why do I want it?”
Once you have the answers to these, write them down. This is the start to an effective goal setting strategy.

Meditation is a great way to have a fresh and rested mind and by setting the intent to do so you can release the worries from this last year with some simple visualization techniques, such as letting go of balloons that have your worries written on them, or clouds scudding across a sky and disappearing over the horizon.

What obstacles are in your way to creating a better year for yourself in 2015? Are they procrastination, being “busy”? Name the obstacles, in order to better plan around them or circumvent them popping up again. Awareness is the key to removing or resolving obstacles.

Who can help you achieve your goals? Or perhaps there are things that you need to put in place……  Be clear about what you want and communicate your needs with courage.

And finally you need a plan of action steps to take ……  there is no point in having goals if you are not going to DO anything.   You can dream all you like, but deep down you know that a goal is a dream with a deadline.

When are you going to implement your goals? Be specific. Take baby steps so you don’t get overwhelmed….. break it down so each step is achievable and moves you closer to your end goal.

Remember to plan for yourself, not what you think others would like you to do…. it means that you are stepping out of your integrity. Embrace the goals you have set for yourself, take a risk, acknowledge yourself and take action and let the universe reward you with abundance and transform your life…..

On the road to Mastery…

People come and go into your life for different reasons and seasons ….(as the well known poem at the bottom of the page goes…..)

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJust recently, I have re-connected with a couple of people not seen for many years and whilst there has been the occasional email or social media contact, it really isn’t the same as chatting easily over a cup of tea or coffee.

One meeting triggered an examination of my personal journey over the last few years. A reflection, perhaps triggered by the review and planning process of the New Year.

The questions were asked……

“Are you still doing your Energy work? 

Your website and book don’t say that you are.”

Immediately I replied with a “Yes”, but in that moment realized that although I have a daily Meditation and Reiki practice  – often sending absent Reiki to friends and colleagues, I have let much of the spiritual work in maintaining Mastery slide. An audit of what studies I have done showed a common theme….. starting many years ago with weekly Yoga sessions, then Meditation.

Life was on hold for a while as I juggled young children and going to work as a teacher, but in the first school …. a most unlikely place, I thought, I had  a Lifetime person step into my life when she introduced me to Reiki. She could see I was stressed, put her hands on my shoulders sending Reiki…… It felt as if my blood had turned to lemonade…. I went all “fizzy” with the energy. Weeks later, I found a Reiki Master and was attuned to the energy…. the start of an amazing journey.  Level 1, followed by Level 2 and I resisted becoming a Master for another 9 years!!

Birthday morning 2013Other energy therapies beckoned in that space……. EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequency) Balancing, Homeopathy, Polarity Therapy, Touch for Health, Pranic Healing….Spiritual studies…..

I find it curious how the path of life often weaves a different pattern to what we might envisage for ourselves. Yet all these studies and people who taught them  have contributed to my mastery…. they have been there for a reason or a season or a lifetime.

Whilst reflecting on what Mastery means, I came upon a list of some 44 attributes that a person seeking Mastery might have.  A little daunting… but a good challenge for the coming weeks, months and years ahead….

Interestingly,  at the top of the list was Balance….defined as:

  • a state of remaining upright and steady; equilibrium
  • an appropriate proportionality between different elements

Two more that I would like to share with you are Courage:

  • strength in the face of uncertainty
  • the ability to do something that may be fearful

and Flexibility:

  • capable of bending without breaking
  • ready and able to change; to adapt to different circumstances

I printed out the list, ready to refer to it and have decided to randomly pick an attribute  to work on each week and write in my journal about the journey.
Later this week I will revisit a teacher of one of the Energy therapies I studied a while back and will perhaps refresh the knowledge in this new year….

Reason, Season, or Lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you figure out which one it is,
you will know what to do for each person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty;
to provide you with guidance and support;
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend, and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.                                                                                                                                                          Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it. It is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons;
things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person,
and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

— Unknown

Renew those New Year Resolutions

“Cheers to a New Year and another chance to get it right” – Oprah Winfrey

Did you make your New Year’s resolutions and keep them? We are a couple of weeks into the new year now and are they just a distant memory? Did you experience remorse on New Year’s Day or shortly after when you realized that your first resolution had been broken? Be kind to yourself and ask where the lesson is in this. Change your thinking and see this as feedback that will enable you to make successful goals in the future.

“A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other” – Anon.

There are common new year resolutions on every continent and the top 5  made every year are:

  1. Getting into shape – and that includes weight loss, fitness, giving up smoking or drinking
  2. Getting more organized
  3. Getting a job or changing to a better job
  4. Spending less or clearing debt
  5. Improving the mind and getting an education.

Well, no need to despair or feel as if you have yet to achieve those goals.  If you didn’t stick to those resolutions you made with good intent, then change them so you can,  How so, you may ask? There is still time to review those resolutions you made and set new and achievable goals, just in time for Chinese New Year which falls this year on February 4th.

Take the top intention from the list and let’s apply the SMART goal setting system to your resolutions and you will go from resolution to evolution – creating the change that you really want.

Getting into Shape

S is for Specific – What is it EXACTLY that you want to achieve?

  • Do you want to lose weight – how much & by when;
  • get fit by walking/running/aerobic exercise/gym & what level of fitness will you be happy with;
  • stop smoking/drinking or reduce your intake?

M is for Measurable – How will you know WHEN you have achieved your goal?

  • Set your time frame,
  • clothes size,
  • weight,
  • cigarettes reduced etc.

Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day…..

A is for Achievable are you capable of getting to your goal?

  • Who do you need to support you to get there? You can’t expect to lose 20kg in a couple of weeks, after all it did creep up on you – all those chocolates and treats while writing reports, that extra slice of Christmas pudding, the broken biscuits that don’t count, finishing off those fries for the kids….

R is for Realistic – are you going “cold turkey” on the booze and ciggies?

  • How likely are you to relapse? Again, you need to put in your support systems. If you are serious about your health and the risks involved in excessive consumption (of anything) then have a plan. Fail to plan and plan to fail.
  • Speak to your Primary Health Practitioner, get your patches or see a Hypnotherapist for your smoking cessation plan or alcohol detox.

T is for Timely – this is where you set the date for when you expect to achieve your goals. You need to have done all of the above to make your resolution a success.

The Year of the Rabbit, is an ideal year to achieve your success as it is a much quieter and more relaxed year than that of 2010, the Year of the Tiger. However, the Rabbit influences of comfort, good taste and refinement may lead to over indulgences and putting off unpleasant tasks.

Make your resolutions fun and enjoyable using the SMART goal setting techniques and you will enjoy the new year and a new you!

“An Optimist stays up to midnight to see the New Year and a Pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.”  Bill Vaughan