Tag Archives: intuition

The Art of Listening

The Art of Listening: Cultivating Emotional Intelligence Through Intuition and a Quiet Mind

In the fast-paced world we live in, where information constantly bombards us from all directions, the skill of listening has never been more crucial.

True listening goes beyond simply hearing words; it involves engaging with others on a deeper level, tapping into our intuition, and quietening the mind to foster emotional intelligence.

The Power of Intuition in Listening

Intuition, often regarded as our “gut feeling,” plays a significant role in effective listening. It’s that subtle sense that guides us beyond the surface of words and allows us to connect with the emotions and intentions behind them.

Intuitive listening involves being attuned to non-verbal cues, such as body language and tone of voice, which can convey more than words alone.

To harness the power of intuition, we must be present in the moment. This means putting aside distractions, silencing the inner chatter, and truly focusing on the person speaking.

When we open ourselves to intuition, we gain valuable insights into the speaker’s emotions, making it easier to respond empathetically.

Quietening the Mind for Deeper Connection

In a world filled with constant noise, both external and internal, cultivating the skill of quietening the mind is essential for meaningful conversations.

Our minds are often racing with thoughts about our own experiences, judgments, and responses, which can hinder our ability to listen effectively.

Practicing mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, can help quiet the mind and create a mental space conducive to active listening.

When we approach a conversation with a calm and open mind, we become more receptive to the speaker’s words and emotions.

This not only enhances our understanding but also fosters a deeper connection with the person sharing their thoughts.

Listening with Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence involves recognizing and understanding our emotions and the emotions of others in the moment.

When applied to listening, emotional intelligence allows us to navigate conversations with empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire to connect.

By combining intuition and a quiet mind, we can enhance our emotional intelligence in listening. This means not only hearing the words spoken but also interpreting the emotions underlying them.

When we respond with empathy and understanding, we create a safe space for open communication, fostering stronger relationships and mutual respect.


Better Conversations workshopsIn conclusion, the art of listening is a multifaceted skill that requires intuition, a quiet mind, and emotional intelligence.

By embracing these elements, we can build deeper connections with those around us, fostering a culture of understanding and empathy in our fast-paced world.

So, let’s make a conscious effort to not just hear but truly listen, and in doing so, we can contribute to a more compassionate and connected society.

Feel like you want to improve your conversations by becoming a better listener? Workshops and 1:1 coaching sessions are available.

Reiki and Reading Sessions

Having an oracle card reading can complement a Reiki session by providing additional guidance, insights, and clarity. Here are five ways in which an oracle card reading can enhance your Reiki session:

Intuitive Guidanceleadership

An oracle reading can tap into your intuition and the wisdom of the cards or symbols used in the reading. This can offer guidance on specific aspects of your life, emotional patterns, or energetic blockages that might be relevant to your Reiki session.

Identifying Energetic Patterns

Oracle cards often reflect archetypal energies or themes. By drawing cards before a Reiki session, you may gain insights into recurring patterns, belief systems, or emotional states that are affecting your energy. This can help you to become aware of any patterns and release them during the session.

Setting Intentions

Oracle cards can assist in setting clear intentions for the Reiki session. By drawing cards that represent your desired outcomes or areas of focus, you establish a conscious intention for the healing process. This helps and directs the Reiki energy toward specific areas.

Deepening Self-Reflection

Oracle readings encourage self-reflection and introspection. By contemplating the messages and symbols in the cards, you may gain a deeper understanding of your emotions, thoughts, and energetic state. This self-awareness can create a more receptive and transformative environment during the Reiki session.

Release what hasn't workedValidation and Confirmation

Sometimes, an oracle reading can validate and confirm intuitive feelings or insights you have been experiencing. If you have been sensing certain imbalances or areas of growth, an oracle reading can provide affirmation and strengthen your trust in your own intuition.

Ready for your session?


What exactly is intuition? A question I had to answer when doing my Art Therapy studies last year…. my answer was as follows….

intuitionBy paying attention to our intuition – or “gut feelings” we are able to bypass conscious thought or “rational thinking” and trust in the information that we receive.

It is said that intuition is the language of the spirit and when we listen carefully to it, it opens up our further spiritual development.

There was a moment when I didn’t pay attention to my intuition and deferred to the opinion of a respected professional. You may find a post about that some 8 or 9 years back. The result was that the Universe conspired to give me a lengthy period of “time out” where all  I was able to do was to sit and observe for a couple of months. This allowed me to open up to spiritual development as the most strenuous activity I could do was to read books and reflect. I can certainly recommend listening to your intuition first.



FocusWhich senses do we engage when we focus….. truly focus on something?

We can focus our eyes on something….I’m long sighted but have also developed a strong peripheral vision, which is useful when giving a public talk, wandering in the bush or just being aware of what’s going on around me. It’s kept me safe in dark car parks late at night.

We can focus our hearing… and as I become more aware that I’m losing some hearing in my left ear, it becomes important to place myself so that I do hear conversations. But listening isn’t just about what we hear, it’s also about “listening” to our inner voice or intuition.  When we listen to others it’s important to not only hear what is being said, but what is not. It’s about being present for the other person whilst putting our own inner chatter on hold as the conversation progresses.

We can focus on what we feel….. this could be a simple touch, a brush of a soft silk scarf or an emotion. Some emotions can catch us unawares, like the sudden gut wrenching sadness as we grieve the death of a loved one, a rush to the heart of love as you look down on the sleeping face of a young child. For some people, experiencing strong emotions are taking them into uncharted waters and when they let go and surrender to them, rather than being scared or uncertain, having a sense of wonder as they allow the energy to lead to personal transformation.

Transformation can be as quick or gradual as you allow it to be. It can be a pleasant journey into the future as we set down the burdens or baggage of the past. Forgiveness and gratitude are two companions that make that journey easier. Taking time to rest and reflect are also helpful in your quest to move forward. The letting go of what no longer serves you, perhaps participating in a “cutting the ties” visualization, remembering to breathe deeply and open yourself to new beginnings.

Focus on the breath…… What do you feel?

Close your eyes and breathe deeply again…. What do you see?

And once more…… eyes closed, breathe deeply…… focus……. What do you hear?