Tag Archives: flexibility

Setting A Goal

There is a difference between setting a goal and achieving that same goal.

The idea of setting a goal is to move you from one place (usually “stuck”) to another. If you don’t know the way, you may well get lost or easily sidetracked, but if you have a map, even a rudimentary one or an ancient one – well used, you will get there more easily.

You may need to adjust your journey according to the conditions at the time.

For me to set a goal, I also need to include some measure of flexibility. The first thing to think about when setting a goal is where do you want to go to or achieve?

To achieve your goal you need to follow some specific steps.

Seems simple enough, but let me share some steps that I use with coaching clients with you to make it easier. Traditional and specific ways of setting a goal that I have found useful are based on using the following prompts:

  • When – setting a date for when you want to achieve your goal
  • Whatwhat exactly do you want? State this in the present tense so that your subconscious mind registers the goal “as if” the goal has been achieved.
  • Where – if you are looking for a new house or a job, where do you want it to be?
  • Howhow will you achieve your goal?
  • Whodo you have anyone to help you achieve your goals? Who can you enlist to be accountable?
  • WhyWhat are the benefits to YOU for achieving your goals?

To be continued….


On our soul journey at times it can feel like there is a lack of connection with others during times of change.

There is risk in change, but being flexible and open to change will create shifts in your awareness.

Tuning in to the Universe is much like tuning a new TV or a radio station  – the stations are already there, we just have to find the right frequency or bandwidth.

Whilst in this process of attunement or change it helps to have a sense of adventure and face whatever issues arise.  Be kind to yourself and others during this process as it has been said that kindness is the road to happiness, health and harmony.


We all have an innate desire to protect what we already have and our ego will go to great lengths to make sure that what drives us will make us look good and get it right.  One of our key drivers is to feel a sense of certainty in our lives and to feel significant.

For some, self doubt will creep in and for a few this may lead to feelings of hopelessness or helplessness fueled by a lack of choice. Yet others will demonstrate a great flexibility in their behaviour and choose to focus on what they want. The mind is a funny thing, it’s actually a great goal setting machine and it will take you to where ever you choose to go..

The reality is that we all have a choice on what we focus on and you need to develop a keen sense of knowing if you are getting what you really want.

Check in using various strategies – ask yourself if you can see, hear or feel if this is right for you.

Check your language – is it positive or negative?  The mind works in symbols and you can shift the way that you are thinking about you by creating a vision that is exciting and inspiring.

Make it a clear vision and start to take responsibility for your goals and aspirations. I’m sure you have heard the saying “life is not a dress rehearsal”. Take a moment to go within and set some goals to be the best you can be…. knowing that you have most of the resources that you need within you already!

Steps to take:

  • Be clear about the outcome.
  • Take action
  • Be aware if what you are doing is working
  • Be willing to be flexible if necessary
  • Believe…..trust your unconscious mind as it will always tell you what it needs…. are you listening to it?


Can change happen in an instant?

I believe so, but what about transformation?

I see transformation as a more gradual process; the sum of many small but not insignificant changes.

We can create and plan for change, yet whilst these changes can contribute, they are not necessarily the catalyst for transformation. Just as the caterpillar or dragonfly, both spiritual symbols of transformation, go through a series of changes or metamorphosis we too can apply this metaphor to stages in our lives.

It is unfortunate that some people may choose the certainty of staying in the same stage of development rather than take a leap of faith into the unknown and never know the riches to be found in the next stage. Imagine how it might feel to have allowed yourself the flexibility of body and mind, at the same time nurturing your soul as you begin a new journey revitalized and free from a rigid past.