Tag Archives: Energy


Orbs  or flashes of light in photos can be interpreted in many ways. I find it fascinating and it intrigues me when I discover that I’ve taken a photo that appears to have an orb in a photo.  I often get a glimpse of something just out of range of normal vision and when I turn my head there is nothing there.

Some believe that this can indicate a spiritual presence, a manifestation of energies and symbolic. The presence of orbs can be symbolic of Spirit Guides or Angels or even deceased family members or loved ones. Another explanation is that they are flashes of condensed energy appearing in locations where there is heightened spiritual energy.

Scientific Explanations

While many people attribute metaphysical meanings to orbs, it’s also important to consider scientific explanations:

  • Dust Particles: Orbs can often be caused by dust particles, moisture, or insects reflecting the camera’s flash.
  • Lens Flares: Reflections or lens flares can create orb-like effects in photographs.

Either way, the interpretation is deeply personal.

Colours and Meanings:

Different colours of orbs are often associated with different metaphysical meanings. For example:

  • White or Clear Orbs: Often seen as positive, representing purity, truth, and spirituality.
  • Blue Orbs: Associated with calmness, peace, and spiritual guidance.
  • Green Orbs: Linked to healing, love, and connection with nature.
  • Red Orbs: Might indicate strong emotions, such as anger, passion, or warnings.

I’ve seen orbs when using old fashioned film and SLR cameras, but more frequently with digital cameras and phone cameras.  They seem to pop up in the most unusual places.

This photo was taken at the June Full Moon (just a day after the Winter Solstice) and I was taken by the shimmering on the leaves as well.

I had spent the day in working on creating a spiritual workshop and meditating on the various activities. It was quite late at night and the temperature was dropping rapidly towards -1’C.

No doubt the halo around the moon was due to the atmospheric conditions and a forecast of the coming frost or it could simply mean that my iPhone camera doesn’t take good moonlight photos!

This next photo was taken in Hobart about 14 years ago after having spent some time with my Reiki Teacher. We had spent the day having lunch and deep discussions about Reiki energy. I felt that the energy around the sailing ship had something to do with this orb. On the other side of the harbour was the Greenpeace ship, the Sea Shepherd and no orbs.  Such a contrast in styles of both ships and their energies.

My interpretation is that orbs are spiritual manifestations as they only seem to appear on my camera after I have meditated or am grounded and aware of my surroundings.




Mind Body Connection

Eastern traditions have long been more aware of a mind/body connection than the modern Western medical profession which has based much of their thinking on the theory put forward by Descartes who was a French philosopher in the 1600’s. He believed that the mind and body were separate entities which had no influence on the other.

Modern medicine is a reflection of this, and is shown by the desire to remove symptoms of an illness rather than addressing any underlying mental/emotional issues that could contribute to an illness. Compare this to traditional Eastern healing systems where illness is considered to be an imbalance in the energy (Qi or Chi) which in turn affects the mental/emotional and physical body systems.

Western science has since discovered that the impulses to the cells can be affected by either negative or positive thoughts, thus having an effect on things such as immunity and health. Previously thought to only be present in the brain, these neurotransmitters have been discovered in other major organs such as the heart and gut. A regular meditation practice can help to still the mind and help with general health. Checking in on your thoughts and changing or reframing them to a more positive attitude will also help. For instance if you find yourself saying “I should…….”, change the language to “I choose to……” and notice the difference.


A great part of my work centres around intention. In Reiki workshops we always set an intention. Likewise in a coaching session, the intention is set to discuss a positive outcome for you. Your intention can be conscious or unconscious and a skeptic would suggest that the use of a pendulum to gauge answers has an unconscious bias.

intention and setting goalsDo you ever get an idea that needs to be recorded, but either your phone is flat or there isn’t a notepad nearby? I usually have a pen in my car or handbag and the backs of envelopes come in handy and the intention is to use or put these ideas into practice as soon as possible.  During a recent tidy up, I discovered a bundle of envelopes that were covered in notes and various ideas from several years ago. I made the decision to transcribe each one to store on the cloud. Before I knew it, I had a coaching program written and some articles for here which I would love to share with you over the next few weeks.

In setting an intention, conscious or otherwise, it is useful to use a great coaching model called Be, Do, Have.

Who are you going to be in this process? If you are going to be a leader or a teacher, you are going to have to honour yourself.  What insights are you likely to get as you lead or teach and where is the gift?

A well used saying in my Reiki training is “Energy flows, where focus goes.” For any therapist or coach, if you are focusing on a positive intention or outcome then it is most likely that you will get results.

An interesting exercise is to pick a couple of areas in your life that you want to work over the next few months and be your own hero in relation to these. As you focus on these particular areas, you engage an area within your brain called the RAS (Reticular Activating System) which will help you to filter out unnecessary stuff.

The more you become your own hero in your story, you will find that you start finding unexpected gifts, such as a calling or strength that you had put aside. If you have doubts about this, start asking yourself some harder questions – “What will happen if I decide to hang on to these doubts or unhelpful/outdated beliefs?”

A helpful strategy is to evaluate what this means to you. Are you taking responsibility for your thinking, because in a spiritual Universe, we are all perfect and doing the best we can with the resources available to us. All of this is well and good, but if you don’t take action then life will stay the same……..

If you are ready to make changes, then contact me….

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Attracting what you want

Attracting what you want through the Wisdom of the Soul

There are many ways of attracting what you want, from vision boarding to following the principles of the Law of Attraction. Far too often we will focus on what we don’t want and get that instead. If you don’t know how to attract what you do want, you can make some conscious changes. Firstly, make the decision to be in a state of constant, ever improving state of BEING. If this is a new concept for you, think about how the world has changed by constantly evolving. We are, after all human beings.

However, don’t change yourself to become something you are not as this damages your inner psyche and people will see you as inauthentic. Be who you are. Change comes about as you evolve.

When you are congruent you can live out your full potential and do everything that you came into this life to do. You are perfect for this journey! As you evolve and become more effective at using the talents that you already have, you will begin to attract what it is that you really want by doing what you do best.

You can use the BE, DO, HAVE model (see previous post) to create a wealth consciousness – attracting the abundance and prosperity that you so deserve.

Take note of what has worked for you in the past. As you become truly aligned with your inner self, you will find that obstacles disappear and nothing gets in the way as the energy flows. Creating a relationship with the universe, rather than focusing on outcomes builds the energy in a positive way.

For me, my regular vision page, done each New Moon helps to order my thoughts to create this alignment. Another key aspect to attracting what you want is to charge your focus by dreaming and thinking big.

What will you be seeing, feeling or saying to yourself when you achieve your goal or dreams? Notice your self-talk because what we perceive is what we are projecting. What we feel or how we believe in something affects the chances of success.

Again, take some time to notice what you tell yourself or what you are choosing not to do over the next 90 days. If you feel drawn to pursuing this further, then check out my Coaching Page HERE or use the contact form below to register your inquiry.

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On the road to Mastery…

People come and go into your life for different reasons and seasons ….(as the well known poem at the bottom of the page goes…..)

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJust recently, I have re-connected with a couple of people not seen for many years and whilst there has been the occasional email or social media contact, it really isn’t the same as chatting easily over a cup of tea or coffee.

One meeting triggered an examination of my personal journey over the last few years. A reflection, perhaps triggered by the review and planning process of the New Year.

The questions were asked……

“Are you still doing your Energy work? 

Your website and book don’t say that you are.”

Immediately I replied with a “Yes”, but in that moment realized that although I have a daily Meditation and Reiki practice  – often sending absent Reiki to friends and colleagues, I have let much of the spiritual work in maintaining Mastery slide. An audit of what studies I have done showed a common theme….. starting many years ago with weekly Yoga sessions, then Meditation.

Life was on hold for a while as I juggled young children and going to work as a teacher, but in the first school …. a most unlikely place, I thought, I had  a Lifetime person step into my life when she introduced me to Reiki. She could see I was stressed, put her hands on my shoulders sending Reiki…… It felt as if my blood had turned to lemonade…. I went all “fizzy” with the energy. Weeks later, I found a Reiki Master and was attuned to the energy…. the start of an amazing journey.  Level 1, followed by Level 2 and I resisted becoming a Master for another 9 years!!

Birthday morning 2013Other energy therapies beckoned in that space……. EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequency) Balancing, Homeopathy, Polarity Therapy, Touch for Health, Pranic Healing….Spiritual studies…..

I find it curious how the path of life often weaves a different pattern to what we might envisage for ourselves. Yet all these studies and people who taught them  have contributed to my mastery…. they have been there for a reason or a season or a lifetime.

Whilst reflecting on what Mastery means, I came upon a list of some 44 attributes that a person seeking Mastery might have.  A little daunting… but a good challenge for the coming weeks, months and years ahead….

Interestingly,  at the top of the list was Balance….defined as:

  • a state of remaining upright and steady; equilibrium
  • an appropriate proportionality between different elements

Two more that I would like to share with you are Courage:

  • strength in the face of uncertainty
  • the ability to do something that may be fearful

and Flexibility:

  • capable of bending without breaking
  • ready and able to change; to adapt to different circumstances

I printed out the list, ready to refer to it and have decided to randomly pick an attribute  to work on each week and write in my journal about the journey.
Later this week I will revisit a teacher of one of the Energy therapies I studied a while back and will perhaps refresh the knowledge in this new year….

Reason, Season, or Lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you figure out which one it is,
you will know what to do for each person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty;
to provide you with guidance and support;
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend, and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.                                                                                                                                                          Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it. It is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons;
things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person,
and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

— Unknown