Tag Archives: determination


ResentmentRecently I was reminded of an old folk tale coming from the Cherokee tradition.

An elder was teaching a young boy to recognize his inner self.  He told the young boy, ” I have this fight going on inside me….. it is terrible, like a fight between two wolves. One wolf is evil. Full of anger, arrogance, resentment, envy, greed, lies, ego, superiority, false pride and self-doubt and self-pity.”

“The other wolf is good. This one is loving, peaceful, full of joy and compassion, hope, kindness, serenity, truthfulness and generosity.  Everyone, including you has this same fight inside.”

The young boy looked at the old man and after a moment of deep thought, asked the elder, “Which wolf wins?”

To which the elder replied, “The one you feed.”

When we feed either wolf, or our mindset, we also strengthen the neural networks within us. So if we are in a negative or fixed mindset most of the time, then that’s the one that gets fed. Likewise if it’s a growth or positive mindset.

How can we tell which is which?

A person with a fixed mindset is more likely to believe that success is achieved by innate talent. They will make excuses that they are not good at being creative, artistic, sporting and so on…and will often seek to hide or disguise their flaws. They make themselves familiar with failure and use words like “I wish……”

On the other hand, a person with a growth mindset believes that through determination and hard work,  success can and will be achievable. They seek opportunities to develop their creative, artistic, sporting skills and will create a “to do” list to address their flaws. A person with this mindset will see setbacks as challenges to overcome.

So feed the mindset that you want.

Have a vision and set some achievable goals.

Love what you do…….


Principles for Success

An important principle for success is to know what it is you want to achieve. If you are going to be the master of your own destiny, you must take action to make choices that will lead you to your outcome, rather than sitting back and waiting for life to happen.

Many people live their lives without specific goals or outcomes and very little effort. Life just happens for them. It seems that in life when you are focused on your problems, then that is the most probable outcome.

Conversely, if you know you have a goal or outcome and focus on that goal, then you will improve your chances of success. It may not come immediately, but with persistence and application, you will improve your results.

So what is your intent for today?

What is it that you are aiming to achieve?

Make your intent or goal specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Using this proven method of goal setting, you will find that you will achieve your goals more easily. Once you have decided what outcome you want, then take action. You could have a brilliant plan, but it’s no use if you are firmly set behind your computer screen or sprawled on the couch watching TV.

Check in to see if your actions are effective and you are producing the results that you want. If the outcome is not what you want, then be flexible enough to change and do it differently.  Einstein said that “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. “ Be willing to change as often as is necessary to get the results that you want.
Success will come also, when you believe it to be possible.

Create a body language that assists you to achieve. Stand up tall, breathe in and breathe effectively. Pull those shoulders back. Project an aura of success, even when the going gets tough and make an effort to be even more determined in your intention to succeed.  Change really comes from within and the subconscious mind will accept as true that you are living a successful life, the brain secretes endorphins and you feel the excellence!

Change your mind and believe that anything is possible. Re-frame negative thoughts and beliefs into something more sustainable. Your thoughts will affect your emotions and once you are focussed on your successful future, anything is possible!