My very first labyrinth was a temporary chalk labyrinth drawn in the chakra colours some 18 years ago, on the driveway of my city home. This is the fourth permanent labyrinth that I have built…… with another on the drawing board….The current labyrinth was constructed over the Easter weekend in April 2014 on my 16 hectare property not far from Rushworth.
The previous three labyrinths were constructed on a friend’s property down the road, nearer to Heathcote. These were also built over Easter weekends, but have now been “de-commissioned” and two have been totally dismantled and the last one has been totally overgrown with trees.
The first one was made of wood and branches collected from the property and laid out on a disused ant’s nest. Curiously, the kangaroos and wildlife left it alone and it stayed relatively intact for some 15 years.The next labyrinth was a little more ambitious and work began on it in 2006.
Blistered hands and aching muscles were forgotten when I made the first walk! Visits over the years entailed tidying up the path until one year that became impossible.
In 2011 there had been heavy rains in Central Victoria, with many areas flooding and the dry, dormant land sprang back to life. The pathway of the labyrinth became a forest of young gum saplings! I did clear some and hoped to weave the rest into a fence but it became too difficult to manage and the purchase of my own property gave me license to be creative!
In the meantime, the current, larger, Labyrinth is a Classic 7 ring Cretan style that grew, once I realized that it wasn’t constrained by space. The small structure in the centre has a shallow bowl that I fill for the blue wrens and wagtails that live in the nearby bushes. To follow the construction follow THIS LINK or look through the blog archives from 2012 onwards.
A smaller labyrinth has also been constructed… initially intended to be temporary, it has remained in situ for about 18 months and needs very little maintenance.
On “the bucket list” is the construction of a large Chartres style labyrinth similar to the one in Sydney’s Centennial Park and have it open for public walking. I’ll keep you posted…..