One of the amazing things about Polarity Therapy is how simple and effective it is.
Dr Randolph Stone was able to bridge Eastern and Western concepts of energetic healing. He brought together Ayurvedic andTaoist philosophies whilst also embracing Western holistic treatments such as chiropractic and naturopathy and esoteric Christian beliefs.
In his textbooks, through his detailed line drawings, he was able to illustrate energy flows and systems.
There are a variety of treatments available as well as differing types of touch.
Treatments can be based on balancing the elements of Ether, Air, Fire, Water or Earth. Each element has a number of qualities that relate to the physical, mental or emotional body.
The person receiving the treatment is actively involved in making changes by breath work as the energy blockages are ‘stepped up’ or by making dietary changes and doing some simple exercises which help re-energise the physical body.
Each element also corresponds to an area of the body and mental state.
For example, the Ether element has the qualities of stillness and harmony, whilst it governs the emotional state of Grief. The body part it effects is the neck (around C3 – C5).
Ether treatments work on the neck, which if there are blockages there, can contribute to nervous system and structural imbalances. This element governs communication and the emotions in general. Working in this area, using a gentle sattvic touch helps to bring about a profound and peaceful state of relaxation.
The Importance of Living
Sometimes I come across a book that I have had on my shelves for a while and start to read it. I may find a book that I don’t know why I bought at the time, but eventually the reason becomes clear.
Years ago, before I really knew about homeopathy, I bought a book about it at the university bookshop – it looked interesting and I thought ‘I’ll get around to reading it one day”. little realizing that 5 or 6 years later I would study classical homeopathy for 4 years and it was the beginning of a large collection of homeopathic books!
I love old books. They are often neglected and one day I found an interesting red covered book entitled “The Importance of Living” .
Today this book beckoned from the shelf and ‘fell open’ at a particular page. First one page, then another and once started, and a book which had not been particularly interesting when I brought it home all those years ago, had come to life. All of a sudden it was past bedtime….
Perhaps after all, philosophy began with the sense of boredom.
…it is a characteristic of humans to have a sad, vague and wistful longing for an ideal.
Living in a real world, man has yt the capacity and tendency to dram of another world.
all of us have the desire to get out of an old rut, and all of us wish to be something else,and all of us dream.
This human trait is undoubtedly due to our power of imagination and our capacity for dreaming. The greater the imaginative power of a man, the more perpetually he is dissatisfied. That is why an imaginative child is always a more difficult child.
… and those dreams of our childhood, they are not so unreal as we might think. Somehow they stay with us throughout our life……and out of the stuff of such magic dreams are woven some of the finest and most beautiful fabrics we have ever seen.
Homeopathy and The Field
Kent, a well known Homeopath of the 19th/20th century wrote not only on the remedies and how to administer them. He wrote aphorisms and precepts that reflect on homeopathic prescribing and philosophy. Kent was also influenced by Emanuel Swedenborg who formed the Swedenborg church.
One of Kent’s aphorisms that I read recently-
There are two worlds; the world of thought, or immaterial substance and the work of matter or material substance”.
I was struck by the similarity of thought in this aphorism, probably written around1890, and the theories of Lynne McTaggart and her research in The Field and the Intention Experiment.
Finally, I have got around to having a website.
Autumn is upon us and after some ferocious winds and lots of Mallee dust deposited in the city, the rain was very welcome.
With autumn and the changeable weather, many are suffering from seasonal colds. The symptoms can be alleviated in several ways.
- keep up your fluids
- First Stage of illness tissue salts taken at the start of a scratchy throat work wonders.
- If you are prone to colds with the change of season, consult a Homeopath for an appropriate remedy.
- If the cold develops, and the sinuses become congested the following Polarity exercise is very helpful.
(from Energy Exercises by John Chitty)
Caution: those with lower back pain – press the pubic bone towards the floor. Knee problems – flex the feet and restrict the out kick.
Of course- if symptoms persist or get worse, consult your Medical Practitioner.
Indigohub was set up in 2005 by a small group of holistic practitioners and educators who were concerned about the care and souls of our children and we didn’t want to medicate them because they were ‘different’.
The name was taken partially from the Indigo Child books and from the desire to create a hub from which other interest groups could grow. We had some success in the early years, but as everyone got busy with various projects it became more difficult to meet frequently.
I am the administrator of this site and have since built it up to provide a directory of links to various practitioners (initially in Melbourne) and sites of interest regarding Indigo children.