Change of plans today

I was really looking forward to today, as I had a client for a Past Life Regression session who has been referred by a colleague.
I woke up with a shocking head cold, which explains why I was feeling so ‘fuzzy-headed’ yesterday, and re-scheduled. I know I wouldn’t want to have my session done by someone sniffing and breathing germs near me!
Starting to wonder if it might have been something to do with the homeopathic I had the other day….. lucky I got another bottle of PCIP as it’s been fantastic at stopping the running nose.
My neice has just returned from South Africa and we will be able to hear all her news at her younger sister’s 18th birthday next week.
Hope my nephew in Coffs Harbour will be OK as there is a current tsunami warning for the NSW coast due a huge 8.8 earthquake in Chile. Thoughts & prayers go out to all those involved.

Trying out a new room

Dipping the toe back in the water by going back to Glen Waverley.
I was there 10 years ago and moved on to Heaven on Earth in Blackburn. This was run by Andrew with whom I had studied homeopathy. He chose to move on to a different realm a few months later.
I have had a couple of clients here, but the street noise below, whilst adding to the vibrancy of the area, is not as conducive as I would like for the trance state!!
So a brief re-visit to the area and I will finish up here at the end of March.

Limiting Beliefs

An interesting exercise that I came across today.
Draw 5 columns on a piece of paper.

  1. list the things you believe you cannot do and that are affecting your life or business
  2. When did you decide to do that? write the approximate time/date
  3. list the things you can do & are successful at in your life or business
  4. Write down what the differences are. Think of yourself using those particular skills and note what you see, hear or feel when you think of it.
  5. Write down any learning or insights gained by doing the exercise.


I’m now using the powerful combination of Hypnotherapy and Coaching techniques in my practice and have included this in my brochure. The brochure and webpages are very organic and have seen lots of changes over the last few months. There wasn’t any room to include the Polarity Therapy on the brochure, and since I hurt my hand when I fell at school 18 months ago, I haven’t been able to give a decent massage. No-one seems to know what Polarity Therapy is anyway and the massage associations are really very dismissive of it as a therapy. Shame – as it is very good at releasing blocks. My wetpaint site PolarityPlus Australia tells you all about it as well as some really good information about Homeopathy, Reiki and even some units of work for teachers using Multiple Intelligences.

One small step….

As the saying goes, a journey starts with a single step. Having taken a big step to continue studying, I have found some treasures already.
Now the challenge is to balance work and home commitments.

I have almost completed the workbook and activities for the 5 session program and have set up Facebook, MySpace and a WordPress spaces so that I can work in an online/virtual community.
A few tweaks to the main website hopefully will mean that I can have a newsletter and a secure page to order products.

Moving forward

What a fabulous weekend – meeting new & positive people.
2 new clients today and some leads to follow up on Wednesday and Friday. Meanwhile my horoscope for today says it all.
Just a day after a New Moon in a more adventurous part of your chart, the Moon is already getting down to the business of helping you prepare for one of the most auspicious professional weeks in over a decade. With Venus and Jupiter due to align in your career sector tomorrow, the Moon aligns with both today, with your intuition acting as a go between, giving you some inside clues. A lot more aware of how many options you have, listen to what your gut is telling you.

February Training

Day 2 of my training and I am loving it! The people are positive and the training is already moving me closer to my goals. I have realized that the studies I am doing now fit very well with the Hypnotherapy and will help my clients to move forward more quickly. In addition, I made a commitment to myself at the January New Moon and Eclipse to move forward in all aspects of my life.
My horoscope for the February New Moon is also very positive:
The second New Moon of the year falls in your sector of travel, adventure, learning and discovery, the most adventurous part of your chart, creating an opportunity for new beginnings or to draw a line in the sand. This is the New Moon that marks the start of the Chinese New Year and in this case welcomes in the Year of the Tiger, a very fast moving year. Soak in the spirit of adventure and wanderlust that hangs in the air and make some new resolutions.


The year is flying past and I have been busy organizing other social media for the business. I have created another blog space and am contemplating Facebook/myspace. I have created a ning forum for subscribers and will put that link up on the webpage soon. This will have articles of interest such as the Polarity diet and Reiki tips.
In the meantime, I have gone back to teaching at school, just 2 days a week and am teaching a mixture of Japanese and literacy. The units of work are MI/Inquiry based and for the Prep/One/Two’s will be Inquiry based units.
On Friday I start a Certificate IV in Business & Coaching, to help me organize the business side of things and from a practical point of view, learning about coaching, being coached and coming out with a qualification at the end.
This year I am going to add the photos that I took for my website but weren’t used. This flower is Love in the Mist or Nigella.


On the eve of the January new moon and the solar eclipse… it seems like December was an aeon ago. Not being a Christmas person, I got through it OK – a bit grumpy at times. Enough said about it here.
New Year’s Eve in Melbourne was treated to a spectactular night show by nature. Wind, lightening and thunder – better and louder than the fireworks!

Above is the Japanese for Bright Light – it means bright and promising future – a good omen for my business I am sure.
The logo of the yinyang is also significant.

  • The Indigo colour to represent the Indigo children, who have a dark and light side
  • Yin yang is also associated with reincarnation. Interestingly, I wasn’t aware of this meaning when I did my past life regression training.
  • The main flower is a gardenia and the meaning is purity and joy – this represents purity of intention and joy in what I am doing. The flower came from my garden and smells exquisite.
  • The small daisy also represents purity, loyalty, patience, simplicity and beauty.
  • The reflection of the design draws attention to our shadow side and as the lower image fades into the greater space around, the image overall softens and yet retains a strong energy.

I applied for the school position and have had an automated email in reply, but no indication for an interview and no one at school to find out. The longer I am away from the school setting the less I feel like returning! As a consultant will be fine, but not the day to day stuff.
In the meantime, I have been busy writing course material, adding to my website and producing information packs for the workshops.
The new business cards have arrived and have already been sent out with some marketing material.
February sees the start of a Cert 4 in business – to take the Clinical Hypnotherapy and workshops to a new level.

December madness

A busy week again, and this end of the year tends to get really frantic.
The last few days have included a trip to Unity Church to hear a great singer and meet up with friends from the country and an invitation to go to Daylesford for an art exhibition.
I have been sorting out the semester’s work for the students to go into their portfolios and some have copious amounts for the six months. Others have not used their time so wisely……….
In between, there have been a couple of visits to the dentist, the optometrist in Queenscliffe, dinners, lunches and even time to go to the movies to see The Time Traveller’s Wife. I enjoyed the movie greatly and am sure the reviewer had a bad day.
The business website is starting to develop and I have moved on from the logo I found for my advertising at Curves and have developed my own. I have recorded one CD and had intentions to do another last week, but there was too much background noise to do it successfully.