Just for today refrain from anger,
Just for today, refrain from worry,
Be grateful to all living things,
Appreciate all that is,
Be kind to all living things.
There are numerous Reiki schools and associations and it is important to choose the teacher and method that most resonates with you. There are purists and innovators in every field. To embrace change in a meaningful way, without detracting from the original message, can lead to greater understanding.
Having said that, change for change’s sake is not always necessary. As my inspirational mentor and teacher once said, “Spirit loves ritual”. And so it is with Reiki. Becoming attuned to Reiki is the start of a fantastic journey, not always smooth sailing, but always leading towards a strengthened spirit.
Starting even before the first attunement, there is an energetic shift. Extra-ordinary things will start to happen. Synchronicity…….. A heightened awareness……. Anticipation……
Let’s look at the precepts and deconstruct them. Just for today – this is all about living in the moment.
Be present.
Your presence when you are with other people is the greatest gift you can give them. Read Eckhart Tolle’s books if you haven’t already.
refrain from anger ….. what are you angry about? Is it anger or an underlying emotion? Is it a habitual response?
Whatever it is, refrain from it for today. If that is difficult at first, put it aside for 5 minutes, then extend the time. Replace this emotion with a positive emotion and feel the difference. It gets easier with practice and it is amazing the difference it makes.
refrain from worry ….. what are you worrying about? How does that worry serve you? Especially while you are in a Reiki session. If you are worrying, you are not present and in the now. Put it aside for today, as the saying goes, “let go and let God/ Spirit…….”
Be grateful to all living things…gratitude is underestimated. We take so much for granted. Be thankful for what we have, and in the west, we have so much more than many millions of others. Our bodies function for us – yes, there are sometimes issues with how they function, but as you are reading this, you are alive. When we show gratitude for what we have a shift in consciousness. As I write this, I can hear birdsong and traffic. I have the time to write this as a new client chose to do something else at this hour. I am grateful for the time to write and reflect.
There is another version of the Reiki precepts that has this line, “Honour your parents, teachers and elders“. Include it if you find it resonates with your belief system. For those abused by anyone in this category, I would remove it.
Another line that appears in some versions is ” Be honest in your work”. This goes without saying. Be honest and true to yourself and to your client. Earn your living in a way that is congruent with your values.
Appreciate all that is…when you appreciate all that is, you become fully aware of your life path and your value. Appreciate your significance and all that is around you.