
Energy goes where attention flows.

Where is your attention?

Hopefully right now it is on reading this article, but generally what grabs your attention? TV, computer games, social networking all give us instant stimulation that grabs our attention. The paradox is that the more we let our attention flow to these media the less energy we have for ourselves.

Schools are full of students who have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and if you look at the habits of these students, you will often find that they lack energy. There are many reasons for this and electronic media are not entirely to blame. Environmental issues such as diet and a hectic home life also contribute to energy or attention deficits and will be discussed in future articles. Continue reading Attention

Good company

Went to dinner this evening with the Osteopaths & crew from Total Osteo, where I am working on Monday afternoons.
Dinner was to celebrate one of the Osteopaths birthday and we enjoyed Chilean cuisine. (Thankyou Lee!)
I had a treatment earlier in the day from David and there is that good sore/stiffness that comes from being put back into shape! I know that I will feel better tomorrow. Earlier in the afternoon, I had a LifeLine session with Tracey and loved wearing the red glasses – what a hoot!  All sorts of things came up, probably a combination of being open from the Osteo treatment. Particularly interesting was the going back to the past to discover limiting belief patterns.

Four Aspects Of Polarity Therapy

There are four systems of treatment within Polarity Therapy.Wireless anatomy

  1. The manipulation of energy by putting the hands on the body. Polarity Therapy also includes the energy balancing of the Chakra system, which in turn allows energy to flow more freely to the Nervous system. When the Nervous system is functioning at its optimum, then the vital organs are nourished adequately.
  2. Another important aspect of the integrated therapy is the exercises. These combine stretching with breath work and are effective in releasing both physical and emotional blocks.
  3. Polarity Therapy also focuses on the relationship between diet and good health. The therapist helps the client become aware of the link between good food and good health, guiding them to dietary method that may cleanse or build better health.
  4. The fourth feature of Polarity Therapy is the changes in the emotional and mental energy of the client, as the energetic blocks are removed by either hands on treatments, diet or exercise as well as what Randolph Stone called his “Dutch uncle” talks, which by today’s standards would be classified as a form of counselling
All of the above require an active client/practitioner relationship
as the energy flows within the body return to balance.

Autumn Meditation

Autumn is traditionally a time of harvesting the fruits of one’s summer labours and it is time to start preparing for the winter season so one can enter a  state of hibernation.

March also sees the Vernal Equinox, when there is an equal amount of light and dark, before the lengthening of nights.

The weather cools although often there is that last burst of warmth as if to remember the summer season. Mornings are cooler and there is a general sense of slowing down, even when the time reverts back from daylight savings to Eastern Standard Time.

The full moons in this period often look spectacular, large and luminescent. Take time to look at them and try to find an opportunity to see them reflected in water.

From the new moon onward to the full moon is time to start setting your new goals.

These time frame for these goals can be:

  • The period up to the next Full Moon
  • The season approaching
  • The period between Summer & Winter Equinoxes or Spring & Autumn
  • The full year

As the moon waxes and wanes, you will be able to observe the renewal as with the seasons of the year.

Meditating on the seasons and nature helps us to realise and find faith in the inner knowledge that whatever happens is a natural progression. Take a moment to look at the decomposition of plants in their winter season and then see new life unfurl in the spring, coming to fruition in summer and withering away again in autumn in an eternal cycle and know that man cannot change the process.

“Winter has its own secret joy, for it hold spring in its heart”

“Never cling to that which must pass, but always look forward:

Be interested in the trend of events and follow with hope and courage wherever the stream of life leads.”

So too look at the seasons of our lives. Steiner and many others from esoteric backgrounds look at the 7 year cycles.

The First cycle is the period of the Moon.

Ages 1 -7

The Moon draws together the Etheric body as the physical body is developing rapidly. The child not only draws together and absorbs nutrients to grow the body; he/she is absorbing information from parents and school. The parents provide a nurturing environment which nourishes the soul of the child. Unfortunately, if this is not so, then it is considered as Karma, – where the child has chosen to go through this suffering in order to transcend later.

This cycle of development can also be related to the Chakras and for this age group; it is related to the base Chakra which is located at the base of the spine. This is about life energy and trust. It is our relationship to the Earth, to our family or tribe and material possessions. Its positive attributes are stability and the power to achieve.

  • The colour is red.
  • The Element is Earth
  • The basic principle is the physical will to “be”.
  • The sensory function is smell.
  • The astrological connections are  :- Aries /Mars, Taurus & Scorpio/Pluto, Capricorn/Saturn
  • The gemstones are: – bloodstone, garnet, red coral & ruby.
  • The parts of the body are: – everything solid like bones, spine, teeth and the blood, cell multiplication and intestines, anus and prostate.
  • Glands affected are the suprarenal glands and the Hormones are Adrenalin & noradrenalin.
  • The music is strongly rhythmic (tribal)
  • The aspects of nature associated with this chakra are the beginning and ending of each day (dawn and sunset), the fresh soil.
  • The Aroma is Cedar and Clove.

Within this first life cycle each of the seven years follows the Chakras.

Age 2 – 2nd Chakra



Age 3 – 3rd Chakra


Unfolding the personality

Age 4 – 4th Chakra



Age 5 -5th Chakra


Self expression

Age 6 – 6th Chakra


Projection of the will

Age 7 7th Chakra



Polarity Therapy

What is Cerebro Spinal Fluid?
Cerebro Spinal fluid is found in the ventricles of the brain and is propelled in a rhythmical way throughout the body. It bathes the brain and the spinal cord. This fluid contains prana or life breath, which flows to the tissues and cells throughout the body. It has its own rhythm, but at rest may synchronize with the pulmonary rhythm.
Dr Stone formulated the theory that it is the CSF that brings the energy of though, emotion and soul down from the brain into the cells of the physical body. Science today is just catching up with the concept of cellular memories.
He wrote in Book 3

” The cerebrospinal fluid seems to act as a storage field and a conveyor for the ultrasonic and the light energies. It bathes the spinal cord and is a reservoir for these finer essences, conducted by this fluidic media through all the fine nerve fibres as the first airy mind and life principle in the human body. Through this neuter essence, mind functions in and through matter as the light of intelligence. That is why it is the ruler of this fine energy in the fields of function. Mind energy is a reality, as much as and even more potent than atomic energy. A mental block is often a very serious matter.”

The CSF flows according to water principles. When this is moved in a gentle and non invasive manner, then tension can be alleviated more rapidly and effectively than spinal adjustments.
Once the tension is released from the tissues, then the energy can freely flow throughout the body. Bad postural habits can inhibit this flow of energy, as can lesions in the organs or joints.
Dr Stone found that the CSF was a pranic flow or electromagnetic current which circulated from the head to the feet and returned to circulate from head to hands. By gentle application of touch, such as imperceptibly rocking the cranial bones or along the vertebral column, the CSF could be balanced from head to toe.

Easter holidays

Don’t you just love it when you think you have written something awesome and hit the wrong button and it disappears into the ether? Lesson in humility and backing up your work!

Home is a hive of industry today after months of just getting by. Amazing what having down time and a “healing crisis” does to your perception of what is OK. Perhaps it was the Easter/Equinox energy that spurred me from inaction to action. Mind you, it’s not just me being active, I have the luxury of having 2 ladies to clean the house and the carpets are being steam cleaned too. I am sorting out wardrobes and culling the clothes that haven’t been worn for a long time, finding dresses & suits from the 1980’s still in my collection. Practically antique! Time to move on…

Easter week was challenging in many ways. Old friendships revisited, a bit of travel and some chocolate! We made the annual trip to Redcastle and enjoyed Pete’s hospitality. The block has taken on a green tinge and one of the billabongs has a little water in it and there is a small puddle in the creek on the boundary. We discovered that the bees in the “bee tree” were no more. Although allergic to bee stings, they have never bothered me, but have made their presence felt by stinging others over the years. One labyrinth has started to go green, which was the intention when I built up the dirt walls, so no excavation this year and it was left to see what else would eventuate. Right in the centre was a small purple flower, and no, it wasn’t Salvation Jane or Patterson’s curse. I walked the labyrinths at sunrise, taking video and will find a way to post them here at some stage.

This year we explored the surrounding district and ventured into the Heathcote – Greytown National Park. We caught the Easter Parade at Rushworth on Saturday, which was lots of fun and I explored the crystal shop in the main street. A leisurely lunch and then off to see Whroo and surrounding forest. Returning to the block, we lit the camp fire in preparation for a roast dinner done in the camp oven, which we shared with friends. A large stump was put on the fire and we had a great time sitting and discussing life in general. A moonlight walk to the junction and back finished off a relaxing evening.
An exchange of chocolate on Sunday morning and then more exploration, this time heading off to Greytown and surrounds.

Lazy Autumn afternoon

 Autumn days have a special feel to them. The morning starts off cool, just a bit on the cold side and although the forecast may be for a clear day, you can never be sure…..
It’s the day after the second blue moon for the year. Two full moons in January and now 2 in March. Birdsong is punctuated by the drone of the police helicopter as it does laps of the parkland at the bottom of the hill.
It’s harder to get up in the mornings now with the darkness, which will ease slightly when day light saving finishes over the Easter weekend. Once the equinox has passed the days seem to draw to a close very quickly.

Sweeping up the leaves that have changed colour and dropped and pausing to remove the cobwebs festooning the windowsills and nooks and crannies around the downpipes. Drifts of leaves in corners of the verandah and against the borders of the garden beds. Shoots from winter bulbs starting to poke up through the soil and must remember to replant the tulip bulbs that have been in the vegetable crisper. The tree ferns have finally given up trying to exist. They were burnt to a crisp last year on Black Saturday when the temperature reached 47C. Another year of drought has finished them off, so the stumps will come out soon and the garden outside my clinic room will be re-done.
New soil will be put down to level out the garden bed. Drought tolerant plants will do and I will trim the ivy back along the fence, which I will also extend by a metre or so, with a screen to improve privacy in the clinic.


Just for today refrain from anger,
Just for today,
refrain from worry,

Be grateful to all living things,

Appreciate all that is,

Be kind to all living things.

There are numerous Reiki schools and associations and it is important to choose the teacher and method that most resonates with you. There are purists and innovators in every field. To embrace change in a meaningful way, without detracting from the original message, can lead to greater understanding.

Having said that, change for change’s sake is not always necessary. As my inspirational mentor and teacher once said, “Spirit loves ritual”. And so it is with Reiki. Becoming attuned to Reiki is the start of a fantastic journey, not always smooth sailing, but always leading towards a strengthened spirit.

Starting even before the first attunement, there is an energetic shift. Extra-ordinary things will start to happen. Synchronicity…….. A heightened awareness……. Anticipation……

Let’s look at the precepts and deconstruct them.  Just for today – this is all about living in the moment.

Be present.

Your presence when you are with other people is the greatest gift you can give them. Read Eckhart Tolle’s books if you haven’t already.

refrain from anger ….. what are you angry about? Is it anger or an underlying emotion? Is it a habitual response?

Whatever it is, refrain from it for today. If that is difficult at first, put it aside  for 5 minutes, then extend the time. Replace this emotion with a positive emotion and feel the difference. It gets easier with practice and it is amazing the difference it makes.

refrain from worry ….. what are you worrying about? How does that worry serve you? Especially while you are in a Reiki session. If you are worrying, you are not present and in the now.  Put it aside for today, as the saying goes, “let go and let God/ Spirit…….”

Be grateful to all living things…gratitude is underestimated. We take so much for granted. Be thankful for what we have, and in the west, we have so much more than many millions of others. Our bodies function for us – yes, there are sometimes issues with how they function, but as you are reading this, you are alive. When we show gratitude for  what we have a shift in consciousness. As I write this, I can hear birdsong and traffic. I have the time to write this as a new client chose to do something else at this hour. I am grateful for the time to write and reflect.

There is another version of the Reiki precepts that has this line, “Honour your parents, teachers and elders“.  Include it if you find it resonates with your belief system. For those abused by anyone in this category, I would remove it.

Another line that appears in some versions is ” Be honest in your work”. This goes without saying. Be honest and true to yourself and to your client. Earn your living in a way that is congruent with your values.

Appreciate all that is…when you appreciate all that is, you become fully aware of your life path and your value. Appreciate your significance and all that is around you.

Polarity Therapy

One of the amazing things about Polarity Therapy is how simple and effective it is.
Dr Randolph Stone was able to bridge Eastern and Western concepts of energetic healing. He brought together Ayurvedic andTaoist philosophies whilst also embracing Western holistic treatments such as chiropractic and naturopathy and esoteric Christian beliefs.
In his textbooks, through his detailed line drawings, he was able to illustrate energy flows and systems.
There are a variety of treatments available as well as differing types of touch.
Treatments can be based on balancing the elements of

  • Ether
  • Air
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Earth.

Each element has a number of qualities that relate to the physical, mental or emotional body.

The person receiving the treatment is actively involved in making changes by breath work as the energy blockages are ‘stepped up’ or by making dietary changes and doing some simple exercises which help re-energise the physical body.
Each element also corresponds to an area of the body and mental state.
For example, the Ether element has the qualities of stillness and harmony, whilst it governs the emotional state of Grief.

The body part it effects is the neck (around C3 – C5).
Ether treatments work on the neck, which if there are blockages there, can contribute to nervous system and structural imbalances. This element governs communication and the emotions in general. Working in this area, using a gentle sattvic touch helps to bring about a profound and peaceful state of relaxation.


Today was challenging. I decided that I would hand in the keys to the room in Glen Waverley and focus on my more mainstream practice at Mulgrave.
Challenging because I went with an intuition and as a result felt much clearer about the outcome than I expected.
Having been in a couple of workplaces where the boundaries and messages have been unclear and resulted in stressful outcomes, this time I am aware that “try to sort it out” is not an option.
It all comes down to choice and this time I have chosen to walk away.