Creating Dreams

Imagine something…..right now….. that you can create anything you want. You can realize that dream and have ALL the happiness, success right now to live your destiny and the life that you desire…..
What’s holding you back?

  • fear
  • worry
  • stress
  • anxiety?

If you are after an extraordinary life and create the life you desire and deserve, you need to remove any negative thoughts and attitudes from your life and change your thoughts and mindset so that you awaken and unleash your inner, hidden power.
 Start to think about 

  • energy
  • possibility
  • the power of your mind 

Show gratitude for what you have and begin to be of service to others. It has been said that “to serve is to rule” and if you can be of service to someone, then the rewards are bountiful.
There are two keys to creating abundance

  1. The mind
  2. Your focus            

Abundance is not only about money, it is about being healthy, vibrant and an expectation of success. Money can help pave the way to success, there is no doubt about that, but when there is fear about money, this muddies the path and you can get stuck in the mud or ego, making poor decisions about your future.
Do you want to live an Extraordinary Life?
When you go to bed tonight, just after you have laid your head on the pillow – visualize tomorrow as your perfect day.
Sense the day’s events.
How do you feel?
Make it fantastic – start with a day, then a week, then a month.
Feel the emotional strength that comes with limitless possibility….. see, feel and hear YOUR thriving life.

Healing through readings

Every so often I have a need to go to the Oracle cards for clarity.
My favourite style of reading is to select a number of cards from different decks, place them in a grid and then read them. Jotting down the messages from both the pictures and the accompanying booklets and then typing them up.
Quite amazing how a message will jump out – the same message from different decks providing an affirmation that Spirit is wanting to pass something on!! A quick “cut and paste” will arrange the main points coherently….

Those who know me, will be aware that the last few months have been difficult to say the least …..

Intellectually I thought I was prepared for Dad to move into a different realm and was blessed to have conversations with him as he did so. He described walking into a large open space, with lots of lights and some people coming to greet him.

Perhaps now I will do the Lives between Lives Hypnotherapy training!
What I wasn’t prepared for, was the physical effects of the grief.
The emotional roller coaster and the fatigue. I have found myself struggling to maintain a positive physiology and just the other day, this was brought to my attention when an acquaintance, who is a shaman, came into the tearoom and asked if I was OK.

I haven’t been to the cards for myself for a while and today I was drawn to do a reading before starting work on a presentation for next week and am sharing it here.

I used 3 packs – Collette Baron-Reid’s The Enchanted Map, Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Cards  and Ascended Masters.

Know that it is safe to teach and at the same time be open to new ideas. Overcoming the previous difficulties and challenges have made you stronger. Your experiences are not a single story, but they filter into one another. 
Teach others from this experience and teach topics that awaken your passion. 

Good fortune, ambitions will be fulfilled as you enter into a time of happiness long overdue.
Everything is connected through the universal flow of consciousness and this connection will allow synchronicity to work its magic.  
When you use clear and focussed intention and have positive expectations the inspiration will flow and you will become a channel for inspiration.
Live deliberately and with focus. 
Trust in the inner knowledge – embrace it and trust…

Meditate, use clear and focussed attention to reach inner peace. 

Let go of self doubt and ignore the critics and skeptics and know that Spirit is supporting you, 

even if there are people around who are not.
Abundance will come through living life authentically.
 Listen to your heart’s truth.

Open Heart

BlossomGood, healthy food is necessary to nourish the body and in the same way, good, healthy friendships nourish the heart.

To be “open hearted” is often forgotten in the whirlwind of setting up a business. In the birthing of a business, there can be tremendous creativity, excitement and a sense of hope as one moves towards realizing a dream and one can forget about nurturing your spiritual side.

Not all you the people you meet will be competitors. You may hear negative comments about your idea and yes, these may wound your psyche if you allow it. In this case, you will need to make a decision about whose advice you are going to take – which could be difficult if it is someone close.

When you contemplate and plan your business direction, notice if you feel a spark of passion, a sense of excitement and a feeling that you will be able to overcome any obstacles to fulfilling your dream. It is unfortunate that there are people on this earth that take delight in others misfortune, but remember, this stems from their envy and greed.

An oft quoted saying is ” that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear” and staying open to this idea will allow you to accept genuine acts of kindness when they are offered. Moments like these can be magical. There is a mystery, a synchronicity to being “open hearted”.

Listen and learn.

You may make mistakes, but these are opportunities to learn and grow.

Have gratitude for the opportunity to make mistakes and be like the Ancient Wise Ones who believed  that a successful life comes from a love of genuinely loving what you do and what you are. When you follow your heart and listen to that inner wisdom, you are awakening a higher power within yourself.

Expand your awareness and let the Universe provide you with the signs that you are taking the right steps. Look beyond the obvious, and occasionally just stay still and let things unfold as they should.

Notice the little things, sharpen your senses and wonder at the beauty around you. As you do this, notice your purpose in the grander scheme of life. Enhanced awareness helps you to rejuvenate your entire sensory system and taking the time to do this will enable you to face problems with greater ease and make intelligent decisions. Standing in integrity with the intention to achieve your dreams will attract others  to you with a similar mindset and an open heart.

Autumn Equinox

observationA day late for the actual Equinox which according to the Bureau of Meteorology in Melbourne was at 11.02am on the 20th – the 21st is the Wicca festival of Mabon.

Celtic tradition also celebrated this marking of the change from Summer to Autumn.

Harvest festivals meant that people could celebrate the abundance of fruits and vegetables and great feasts were held, business concluded as people began to prepare for the winter months and a period of reflection.

It also marks the passage of womanhood from the fecundity of motherhood as she passes into the crone or Wise Woman.

It’s a time to reflect on the balance between light and dark as the equinox brings us a period of almost equal length of night and day.

A time too to reflect on the change of season and although Australia marks the change of season by the calendar – Australian Autumn starts on the 1st March – we have experienced six consecutive days of temperatures in the high 30C”  (which crisped the leaves nicely) and then marked by high winds and a terrific thunderstorm today. All serving to remind us that warmer days are now being left behind and colder weather lies ahead.

So how to celebrate or mark the Equinox?

Bring some balance to your life.

  • Show gratitude for any abundance you are experiencing and become aware of the high energy of this time….. the waxing moon as we head to the Full Moon and Easter will affect many people energetically.
  • Draw up a “Gratitude List” – putting it down on paper will help to bring a new perspective to your situation.
  • If you are blessed with abundance, share some of that with others less fortunate. Perhaps donate some non perishables to your local charity or do some fundraising for a worthy cause.
  • Reconnect with nature – walk in the local park and enjoy Nature’s technicolour show of Autumn leaves. Visit your local orchardist and pick some new season apples – you will be amazed at how different they taste to shop ones which often have been in cold storage for more than a year.
  • Gather some friends together and have your own “feast” – savour the taste of the harvest fruit and vegetables and feast on timeless stories….




A sense of belonging to our tribe, our family, our groups is one of our fundamental needs that often is unmet.
I believe we come here for this lifetime for a purpose, to make a difference.
Part of our growth comes from a understanding why we are here and once we have divined our purpose, peace of mind follows.
We may well struggle for some time in finding our purpose and often find ourselves diverted from our intended path.
This path can sometimes be littered with diversions which cause us to take a little longer to discover our purpose, but are still valuable learning experiences. Challenges along the way serve to create the spiritual and emotional breakthroughs that make the journey richer. Becoming accountable to yourself and acknowledging what is important and what is not is yet another challenge that can be overcome.
Learning to use our intuition, that “gut feeling”, aids in our survival. We have forgotten how to use this extra sense – the ancients trusted their intuitive powers and it helped in their survival.  When we nurture our intuition, it is an extension of caring for our physical body and can nourish our emotional and spiritual self at the same time. Like a compass, intuition can guide us to the right tribe, family or group – leading us to a more meaningful and purposeful life..

How are you feeling?

how r you feeling Ever wondered why FaceBook is so popular?

It asks you each time you log in..

. “How’s it going?…..How are you feeling?

……I’m feeling fine, thanks!

But what if this was the only time you were asked?

What if …. your nearest and dearest didn’t ask similar questions?

…or stick around for a reply…..

Clever, almost subliminal questions that will get a lonely person disclosing more information than they probably should.

We all have a need to feel that we belong …. it’s part of our tribal archetype…..

hows it going

What are you doing – right now?

A slightly different level of questioning – assuming that you want to tell your friends and acquaintances that all is OK.


With this question, I reckon more BS or “smoke and mirrors” is generated.. ….

No-one wants to be thought of as a “non achiever”!

On the flip side, do you really want to be  reading all about the latest issues of your real friends. Stories abound  of people dumped and finding out via social media….

Facebook is one of the few places where everyone is a winner.. especially if all your “friends” are coaches…..!

Masters of spin,  mistresses of the re-frame……

Call me a cynic….

I do love the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes…… for those of you who are not familiar with it check it out……

Are you doing what you want?

Life is too short to fit in all the things I would like to do – either I’m going to have to be an active senior or come back again for another lifetime!
Right now, I am doing what I love.
Some writing, some creating, seeing clients for Reiki and Hypnotherapy……& loving it!
Easily distracted by the next, new, bright shiny thing- just like a magpie – has led me on some fascinating journeys.
There is always something interesting to do and have explored many paths, all of which have taken me to exactly where I needed to be at the time and put me in touch with those I needed to meet….

A change in careers is not a problem – I have done it several times and will hopefully keep learning about new things for  many more years to come. Nothing like keeping the brain cells active!
There have been times when there hasn’t always been all the money I would have liked to have, but somehow the universe has always provided.
I see people who are profoundly unhappy doing what they think they should in order to please others. See their souls being gradually become drab and listless
….are you doing what you want?
If not – why not?


I came across this prayer last week as I was preparing to take Dad’s ashes back to Perth to be laid to rest with Mum.

May the feet of God walk with you
and her hand hold you tight
May the eye of God rest on you
and his ear hear your cry
May the smile of God be for you
and her breath give you life
May the child of God grow in you
and his love bring you home.

Yesterday was the day.
I had planned a different day, but as Dad was cremated here in Victoria, I had to attend an interview to register his ashes in WA.
As it turned out the first available day was 6th February, which was the 2 month anniversary of his death.
An early morning flight there, combined with an afternoon return seemed the best option.
I like to use oracle cards and that afternoon I picked one that said “Be proud that you were brave enough to come to this challenging place we call Earth to learn”. 
I certainly wasn’t feeling brave and commented on my Facebook page and got a supportive message from a couple of people I have only met briefly.

Booking the flight was not without its problems.
The return trip calendar defaulted to March 6th; because February and March dates and days are the same, I didn’t notice until I printed out my ticket confirmation.
Oh No! I didn’t want to be stuck in Perth for a month…….  it’s a nice place, I could do with a holiday….but……NO.
A call to the airline and they sorted things out.
The crematorium staff had told me that I needed to advise the airline that I was carrying human remains, so I told the guy fixing up my ticket.
No charge for the wrong booking, which was really appreciated. He told me I would have to tell them at the gate before boarding, which I did and when I went to board – found that I had been put closer up the front!

Arriving in Perth, I picked up a car – which was cheaper than catching cabs – and made my way to Karrakatta.
Roadworks almost all the way…..slow trip….. but still got there in plenty of time for the appointment.

Memories of growing up in Perth as I drove down familiar roads, even though there has been a huge building boom there over the years, flooded back.
Street names off the Great Eastern Highway that I knew off by heart as I used to be a delivery driver. Riverside Drive and the cockies grazing on the grassed area.
Had to be a little vigilant to get onto Stirling Highway and past the old Swan Brewery. Keeping a lookout for a little jetty and boathouse where I lived on a small yacht which was moored off it at one stage….. 
…….I even took a little detour past his old house in Shenton Park as a symbolic gesture.

The bag with the ashes in it was surprisingly heavy.
Carrying it in, I wondered if there was a cafe there to sit and while away the time rather than trying to find where Mum was located.
On reflection, I carried Mum in here too. I was a pallbearer for her  and walked alongside her casket to the service. I wonder about the symbolism of carrying your parents after they have carried you……

Yes!….. a cafe at the gates!

I went in, ordered a cup of tea and just as the woman handed it over, a song came over the radio. She probably wondered why I laughed out loud and went to sit outside!

The Seekers singing – Now the Carnival is over……

Now the harbour light is calling
this will be our last goodbye.
Though the carnival is over
I will love you till I die. 
In about half an hour, I was going to be handing Dad over so he could be put next to Mum – I love that the spirit world plays jokes with us when we get too serious!
As I drank my cup of tea, a huge orange and black butterfly landed on the wall next to me…
The time came for the appointment – now was the time to let go and not lose it…..
A little wait and then we were organizing the registration, the plaque and the payment….
The plaque will be ready in about 6 weeks and will have to come from Victoria! More amusement!
……Just in time for him to go into the niche next to Mum for what would have been their 58th Wedding Anniversary.  How perfect would that be?

Handing him over into the safe keeping of the Cemetery, I got a map and went down to see Mum’s spot.  
Last time I was there, was about 6 years ago when I went over to help Dad sell his unit to come to Melbourne. Looking rather neglected, I used a tissue …of which I had plenty…. and borrowed a flower from a nearby tree to spruce her up a bit ……
Then it was time to go…. Headed off to Kings Park and treated myself to a salad while I waited for my brother. I had some documents copied for him and he was able to get away from work for  a little while. 
With the roadworks in mind, I headed back to the airport with plenty of time to spare, refuelled the car and started the journey home.  
I had a whim to take a photo of the sun setting on the clouds behind us…. 
I believe in orbs…. I don’t care if others don“t….. because I was sitting up closer to the angels last night and it felt OK.