Time and Tide

The quote “Time and tide wait for no man” – attributed to Chaucer is written on a side plate that I have used since a small child. The time seems to have flown since the last posting here and that could also be attributed to age!!

Late last year we put the city house on the market and in hindsight (such a wonderful thing) the timing was awry. Too close to Christmas, interest rates, the annual Australian shutdown over summer….. so many reasons. There was a mad rush to declutter some 20+ years of stuff and furniture settings were hired for several rooms in time for the photos.

Energetically, the rooms that had the hired furniture for the photos made it feel like it was no longer “home”. Not for sitting on, just for show. New, unfamiliar energies entered the house, with the stress of making sure everything was spick and span for inspections, plus the energies of strangers and neighbours as they traversed each room, opened drawers and cupboards and viewed the garden. Some days felt like we needed more sage than usual.

Christmas and January passed in a blur. Time and tide wait for no man. Inspections on weekends. Grandchildren came frolicked in the sparkling swimming pool during the school holidays. Downside to that meant that there was frequent window washing looking out onto the pool area from the jumping in. Upside was that they developed confidence in their swimming.

February saw workshops starting up again and there was frustration at finding that I had packed so many of my books that help me with my research. And so February morphed into March and soon it will be April. Time and tide wait for no man.

New Moon New Year

A second New Moon for December 2024 and here in Australia it falls on the last day of the year. Called a “Black Moon” as two new moons in a calendar month are not often experienced, it has come at an ideal time. New Moons are about manifesting / setting goals for the month ahead. With the new year of 2025 ahead of us, it’s an ideal time to write a new chapter.

Never mind the New Year “resolutions” – most of those go by the wayside before the first two months of the year have finished! See this as an opportunity to review where you have been focusing your energy on and decide if that is what you want to continue to do in the months ahead.

Imagine if you no longer invested your attention or energy into the things that didn’t work for you in 2024 and focused on what is possible in the coming months.

Dream large and set some goals for the year – starting with the end in mind and work backwards to flesh out the steps needed to achieve them month by month, week by week, day by day. It’s the little steps (coaches call this “action”) and it will enable you to turn those dreams into reality.


A little while ago I was asked if I would do a community radio interview with Sally from Volunteer for Knox. I have volunteered in various organizations for many years, so I agreed. Volunteering is more than working at the local op shop or for the CFA. It’s about a sense of contributing to the wider community. There are numerous opportunities to serve as a committee or board member for clubs, associations and charities. My last volunteer position was as Secretary/Public Officer of the Monash Business Awards, a role I did for 8 years.

My focus these days is on stress management and Art Therapy. One piece of information that I came across whilst researching stress and its effects, was that because volunteers “feel good” about what they are doing, they are more likely to produce “happy hormones”, which in turn helps with a stronger immune system.

You can listen to the interview HERE.

The Power of Art Therapy for Stress Management

Regular art therapy sessions offer a creative, gentle way to reduce your stress and boost mental well-being. By focusing on the process—not the outcome—of creating art, you can experience:

🧠 Mindfulness: Engaging in creative activities naturally promotes mindfulness, helping you stay present and release worries about the past or future.

Emotional Release: Art provides a safe outlet to express feelings that might be hard to put into words.

💪 Increased Resilience: Reflecting through art helps you process emotions, building inner strength and resilience over time.

There’s no artistic skill required—just a willingness to explore! Art therapy can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and nurturing your mental health.


Orbs  or flashes of light in photos can be interpreted in many ways. I find it fascinating and it intrigues me when I discover that I’ve taken a photo that appears to have an orb in a photo.  I often get a glimpse of something just out of range of normal vision and when I turn my head there is nothing there.

Some believe that this can indicate a spiritual presence, a manifestation of energies and symbolic. The presence of orbs can be symbolic of Spirit Guides or Angels or even deceased family members or loved ones. Another explanation is that they are flashes of condensed energy appearing in locations where there is heightened spiritual energy.

Scientific Explanations

While many people attribute metaphysical meanings to orbs, it’s also important to consider scientific explanations:

  • Dust Particles: Orbs can often be caused by dust particles, moisture, or insects reflecting the camera’s flash.
  • Lens Flares: Reflections or lens flares can create orb-like effects in photographs.

Either way, the interpretation is deeply personal.

Colours and Meanings:

Different colours of orbs are often associated with different metaphysical meanings. For example:

  • White or Clear Orbs: Often seen as positive, representing purity, truth, and spirituality.
  • Blue Orbs: Associated with calmness, peace, and spiritual guidance.
  • Green Orbs: Linked to healing, love, and connection with nature.
  • Red Orbs: Might indicate strong emotions, such as anger, passion, or warnings.

I’ve seen orbs when using old fashioned film and SLR cameras, but more frequently with digital cameras and phone cameras.  They seem to pop up in the most unusual places.

This photo was taken at the June Full Moon (just a day after the Winter Solstice) and I was taken by the shimmering on the leaves as well.

I had spent the day in working on creating a spiritual workshop and meditating on the various activities. It was quite late at night and the temperature was dropping rapidly towards -1’C.

No doubt the halo around the moon was due to the atmospheric conditions and a forecast of the coming frost or it could simply mean that my iPhone camera doesn’t take good moonlight photos!

This next photo was taken in Hobart about 14 years ago after having spent some time with my Reiki Teacher. We had spent the day having lunch and deep discussions about Reiki energy. I felt that the energy around the sailing ship had something to do with this orb. On the other side of the harbour was the Greenpeace ship, the Sea Shepherd and no orbs.  Such a contrast in styles of both ships and their energies.

My interpretation is that orbs are spiritual manifestations as they only seem to appear on my camera after I have meditated or am grounded and aware of my surroundings.




Setting Boundaries

Setting Boundaries with Frenemies

In every social circle, there are friends, acquaintances, and then, occasionally, frenemies. Frenemies, or those who present themselves as friends but act in ways that undermine you, can be challenging to navigate. Establishing boundaries with frenemies is crucial for maintaining mental and emotional well-being.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you set those boundaries effectively and protect your well-being.
First – Understand the Frenemy Dynamic

Frenemies can often be subtle in their undermining actions, making it tricky to identify and address their behavior. Common traits of frenemies include:

  • Gossiping: They may spread rumors or talk negatively about you behind your back.
  • Backhanded Compliments: Their compliments often come with an undercurrent of negativity
  • Inconsistency in Behavior: They may be supportive one moment and critical the next.
  • Competition: They seem to view your achievements as a threat rather than a cause for celebration.

Recognizing these patterns is the first step toward setting necessary boundaries.

Why Boundaries Are Important.

Boundaries are essential in any relationship to ensure mutual respect and understanding. With frenemies, boundaries help protect your self-esteem, mental health, and overall well-being. They prevent the frenemy from having undue influence over your emotions and actions.

6 Steps to Establish Boundaries

  1. Identify the Behaviors That Need Addressing: Be clear about what actions or behaviors from the frenemy are unacceptable to you. This clarity will help you communicate your boundaries effectively.
  2. Communicate Clearly and Assertively: When setting boundaries, use “I” statements to express your feelings without sounding accusatory. For example, “I feel uncomfortable when you make jokes at my expense,” instead of “You always insult me.”
  3. Limit Personal Information Sharing: Keep your conversations with frenemies surface-level. Avoid sharing sensitive or personal information that they could use against you.
  4. Set Limits on Interaction: Decide how much time and energy you want to invest in the relationship. It’s okay to decline invitations or distance yourself if interactions with the frenemy leave you feeling drained or upset.
  5. Be Consistent: Consistency is key to maintaining boundaries. If a frenemy crosses a line, address it every time it happens. This reinforces your boundaries and shows that you are serious about them.
  6. Seek Support from True Friends: Surround yourself with friends who genuinely support and uplift you. Their positive influence can help counterbalance any negativity from frenemies.

Strategies for Maintaining Boundaries

  • Practice Self-Care: Prioritize activities that boost your mental and emotional health. Exercise, hobbies, and relaxation can help you stay resilient against any negativity from frenemies.
  • Reevaluate the Relationship: Over time, assess whether maintaining a relationship with a frenemy is worth the effort. Sometimes, it’s healthier to let go of toxic relationships altogether.
  • Use Social Media Wisely: Be mindful of your interactions on social media. You can unfollow or mute a frenemy without fully severing ties, reducing their presence in your digital life.

Dealing with Reactions

Frenemies might resist or react negatively to your boundaries. They might try to guilt-trip you, manipulate situations, or increase their negative behavior. Stand firm and remember why you set those boundaries in the first place. If necessary, limit your contact further or seek advice from a trusted friend or counsellor. Better still, work on strengthening your own Emotional Intelligence so that you can construct effective boundaries.

Establishing and maintaining boundaries with frenemies is a proactive step toward safeguarding your emotional and mental well-being. By identifying problematic behaviors, communicating assertively, and being consistent, you can manage these challenging relationships more effectively. Remember, it’s okay to prioritize your happiness and peace of mind over maintaining a relationship that brings negativity into your life.

Catching up

It’s been a while since the last post here. Catching up on the last couple of months may take some time!

emotions and artWorkshops

It has been wonderful to have participants from the Art Therapy workshops continue each term, regardless of whether the workshop is during the day or late evening.  Sometimes it’s been a challenge to create activities to build on their previous sessions, as well as engaging the new participants! Often lots of laughter when those “ah-ha” moments and insights happen!

Another workshop I’ve been delivering is a pre-learning  program for people with lived experience of mental health challenges. The participants are often interested in “paying it forward” to become Peer Support workers. This program can be challenging due to the sensitive nature of issues disclosed by participants, but I’m fortunate in that I have a wise and caring supervisor  that I can de-brief to when necessary.

At one stage I contemplated applying for a position teaching the advanced program with an accredited organization and actually sent off a resume. That certainly triggered my own issues with returning to a formal education setting and I subsequently withdrew the application.

The Retreat

It’s a decade or slightly more, since the retreat was acquired and I’m pleased to say that it is still organically maintained. Annual mowing of the larger paddock has created better soil moisture as the grass, when slashed, is left as mulch. In turn, this helps to smother some of the weeds. Having not being able to travel there during the lock downs has meant that a different set of weeds popped up and these are being removed by digging them out as they appear.  More planting of trees and shrubs, both deciduous and native has happened. The wildlife has kindly spared the salt bush plantings, although the resident Swamp Wallaby has taken a liking to pruning my pots of peppermint and geraniums.

The labyrinths have fallen into disrepair and a decision has to be made whether to refurbish them or to restore the areas to how they were before.

Refurbishment for the larger 7 ring Cretan labyrinth would mean a lot of digging to redefine the paths and restoration would mean removing the stones and jonquil bulbs from one of the rings.

Don’t forget the sunscreen!

Health wise, a seemingly innocuous spot on the face turned out that it wasn’t due to the aging process and needed to be removed. Dressings on the wound made it very obvious that I’d had a procedure done and although I was very self conscious about it, was able to encourage others to get  regular skin checks. A couple of setbacks with infections of the wound site -a closed eye and bruising is never a good look! People assume all sorts of other scenarios. Fortunately, all is good now and the experience and process has been an invaluable learning experience.


Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity to describe a series of coincidences that are experienced by various people. Yesterday began with a challenging decision to make. It ended up being a magical day where the Universe conspired to provide some memorable moments.


I’m a great believer that the Universe sends us inspiration in various ways. I’ve found that random songs on the radio will be played to help with mindset.  My mind was on my decision,  when a song came on the radio. It was upbeat and lifted my energy.  I mentioned the name of the song to the participants in the Mental Health workshop and they all knew the words.

The afternoon Art Therapy workshop.

After the introductions we did an exercise with eyes closed to help with mindfulness. A few moments passed and time to open their eyes.  There was much merriment when one of the group discovered that she had been drawing with the blunt end of her pencil!

Just as the group had started to share their individual experiences a large dragonfly flew in through the open door.

Dragonfly is a symbol of transformation, change and new beginnings. A perfect visitor to the Art Therapy room.

Many cultures celebrate the symbolism of Dragonfly.  In India, it is thought to represent intuition, which is something that Art Therapy helps to develop. Japanese people believe that the Dragonfly represents courage and rebirth.

The visit tied in with the intent of the activities and the group members in sharing their own interpretations of their work, and how they have started their transformational journeys.

The two hours always seems to pass so quickly. We finished off the session with an oracle card from the Spirit Warrior deck. Each person got a card and again the Universe dealt a card that had meaning to that person as well as resonating with the whole group. Random events? I’m sure that the Universe has a message for everyone. You just have to be listening.

Time to go home and prepare for an evening client. Yet another song on the radio helped me to centre myself. Things will be alright!

Well, it’s alright, ridin’ around in the breezeWell, it’s alright, if you live the life you pleaseWell, it’s alright, doin’ the best you canWell, it’s alright, as long as you lend a hand
Travelling Wilburys
And the day ended with a message from the evening client to say how much they appreciated me. Truly a magical day!



The Mindful Magic of Doodling

Creative Solutions for Anxiety Relief


Are you seeking a simple yet effective way to alleviate stress and anxiety?

Look no further than the humble act of doodling. Beyond its reputation as a pastime for idle moments, doodling offers a gateway to mindfulness and mental well-being.

Doodling, the spontaneous act of drawing aimlessly, has been shown to engage the mind in a state of focused relaxation. As you let your pen wander across the page, your attention becomes absorbed in the present moment, effectively quieting the incessant chatter of anxious thoughts.


Here’s how doodling can be a powerful tool for combating anxiety:


HexagonMindful Engagement

 Doodling encourages you to concentrate on the here and now, fostering a sense of mindfulness. By immersing yourself in the act of doodling, you redirect your focus away from worries about the past or future, promoting a calmer mental state.

Stress Reduction
Engaging in creative expression through doodling triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This influx of dopamine can counteract the effects of stress hormones like cortisol, promoting relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Expressive Outlet

Doodling provides a non-verbal means of expression, allowing you to channel your emotions and thoughts in a visual format.

Whether it’s abstract patterns, intricate designs, or simple sketches, doodling enables you to externalize your internal world, offering clarity and catharsis in the process.

Enhanced Focus
Contrary to popular belief, doodling can actually enhance concentration rather than detract from it. Research suggests that doodling can improve information retention and cognitive performance by preventing the mind from wandering too far afield, making it an ideal practice for staying grounded and attentive.
Accessible and Portable
One of the greatest advantages of doodling is its accessibility. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen, making it a convenient tool for managing anxiety anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re at home, in the office, or on the go, doodling can serve as a portable refuge from the demands of daily life.

Incorporating doodling into your routine doesn’t require artistic prowess or elaborate planning. Simply allow yourself to doodle freely, without judgment or expectation. Embrace the spontaneity of the process and let your imagination take flight.

So, the next time you find yourself grappling with anxiety, reach for a pen and let your creativity flow. Through the therapeutic power of doodling, you can cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress, and embark on a journey toward greater mental well-being.

The Healing Power of Creativity

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it’s very easy to overlook the power of creativity as a potent tool for helping to address mental health issues. Yet, creativity, possesses a transformative ability to soothe the mind, heal emotional wounds, and start the journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

There is a profound connection between creativity and mental wellness. Practices like mindfulness, art therapy, and gratitude are all useful tools in this journey of self-discovery and healing.


The Creative Mind: A Sanctuary Amidst the Storm

art therapy and spirituality

Creativity is a core aspect of the human experience. It is the expression of our innermost thoughts, emotions, and experiences in unique and meaningful ways. When faced with mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, or stress, tapping into our creative potential can provide a sanctuary amidst the storm.

Engaging in creative activities allows us to channel our energy into something constructive, providing a much-needed respite from negative thought patterns and overwhelming emotions.


Mindfulness: Cultivating Present-Moment Awareness


Central to the practice of creativity as a tool for mental wellness is mindfulness – the practice of cultivating present-moment awareness without judgment. When immersed in the creative process,  either by painting, drawing or writing, we anchor ourselves in the here and now, letting go of worries about the past or future. This mindful engagement with our creative side not only fosters a sense of calm and tranquility but also enhances our ability to cope with stress and uncertainty.


Art Therapy: Healing Through Self-Expression

vision boardArt therapy is a form of psychotherapy that utilizes creative techniques to promote emotional healing and self-expression. It is gaining more recognition for its effectiveness in treating various mental health issues. Through guided exercises, individuals are encouraged to explore their thoughts and feelings in a safe and supportive environment. This process often uncovers hidden insights and emotions. Whether it’s painting, drawing, sculpting, or collage-making, the act of creating art can be profoundly cathartic, offering a means of processing complex emotions and experiences that may be difficult to express verbally.


Gratitude: Nurturing a Positive Mindset

In addition to creativity and mindfulness, practicing gratitude is another powerful tool for improving mental wellness. Having a mindset of gratitude involves consciously acknowledging and appreciating the big and small things that enrich our lives.

Keeping a gratitude journal, reflecting on moments of joy and beauty, or expressing gratitude to others, this simple yet profound practice has been shown to enhance overall well-being and resilience. By shifting our focus from what we lack to what we have, gratitude enables us to cultivate a more positive outlook on life, even amidst challenges.


Embrace Your Creative Journey

In conclusion, the importance of creativity in overcoming mental health issues cannot be overstated. Whether through mindfulness, art therapy, gratitude practices, or other creative pursuits, harnessing our innate creative potential can provide solace, insight, and empowerment on our journey towards mental wellness. So, let us embrace our creativity, nurture our minds and spirits, and unlock the healing power that lies within each of us.

Remember, in the canvas of life, you hold the brush – paint your masterpiece with courage, compassion, and creativity.