
DiscountsRecently I had planned a series of workshops to offer to a local community at a heavily discounted rate to my usual hourly rate. I used the rationale that if I worked on getting discounted Emotional Intelligence sessions out into the local community during these difficult times, then I would be contributing to a grassroots movement in thinking in a more emotionally intelligent way.

Unfortunately, with an increase in COVID infections, no face to face presentations could take place, but I was still willing to offer the 6 session workshop online. I was a little disappointed to receive the news from the venue that they had got feedback from their community that the discounted price point was too high. This got me to thinking…. do people not value what is delivered online, when the preparation is as great – if not more – than a face to face presentation?

Don’t get me wrong – I do give my time freely to various charities and not for profit organizations, but when I was offering a heavily discounted rate and for it to be suggested that it was still too much…. I cancelled.

What I have to offer is worth more.  For each hour of a presentation there are 6 or more hours spent in preparation. So for a 2 hour weekly presentation, I was going to be getting around $3 per hour/ per person. When I broke the figures down like this – I realized that  I was selling myself  and my mentors short – big time. I have realized that what I was offering is worth much more and will no longer be offering discounts like this.