What is Emotional Intelligence Coaching?
Emotional Intelligence or EQ, is just one of many intelligences we have. Just as important as IQ (Intelligence Quotient), Social and Emotional Intelligence measures the effects of your behaviour on others. EQ is the way in which you respond – in the moment – either to challenging situations or the emotional climate of your workplace and most of all, how you manage your emotions. While many people are starting to more widely understand the importance of this intelligence, you may still be unsure of exactly what it is and how it can add to your success on your job and in your personal life.
The good news about Emotional Intelligence
EQ can be learned and strengthened throughout our lives, furthermore, it’s never too late to learn these essential skills. As a SEI coach, I can help you to acquire these skills with an affordable coaching package that includes a comprehensive profile.
Unfortunately, Emotional Intelligence is often sorely lacking – think of the colleague who explodes when a deadline is missed, the co-worker whom no one trusts, or those prickly people we tiptoe around. These people are not only limited by their absence of Social +Emotional Intelligence skills but their behaviour almost always impacts on everyone around them.
You might ask yourself what situations create the greatest stress or tension for you and how do you best handle them? Continued and unresolved stress and negative thoughts or emotions have a long term effect on your health, well-being and relationships – both at home, school and in the workplace.
This leaves you more likely to:
- experience chronic diseases such as diabetes
- have high blood pressure, heart attacks
- regularly feel irritated, frustrated or angry
- gain and retain weight
Consequently, the cost of stress not only to you and therefore your family, friends and colleagues can be huge.
Chronic headaches, back pain, anxiety attacks and feeling generally “out of balance” are more of the symptoms you are likely to be experiencing. Once you realize what emotions you’re experiencing and how they affect your performance at work, school or at home, you can develop effective strategies to become aware of and better manage your emotional responses. As a Social + Emotional Intelligence Certified Coach®, I can help you to gain valuable insights into yourself and situations that you find yourself in.
What can you expect from your Social + Emotional Intelligence ® program?
- How to better manage the impact your behavior is having on people around you.
- How to become aware of and listen to your own Emotional Intelligence skills.
- How to communicate better, enhance your personal power.
- To become more self-confident and assertive.
- How to better manage frustration, stress and anxiety and more…….