Category Archives: Weight Loss

Autumn Newsletter

Is Hypnotherapy or Meditation more effective for improving creativity?
A busy mind cannot learn well, so the ultimate aim is to relax the mind to allow creativity to blossom. Herbert Benson MD in his groundbreaking book The Relaxation Response studied the physiological effects of several types of meditation and was able to show that meditation lowered stress and anxiety levels for people that took up the practice. The downside being, that when they no longer meditated, the stress and anxiety returned. The studies were done in a scientific way and physiological symptoms were recorded over a period of time. Many of the people in the study found that their blood pressure was lowered; they had more clarity and became less negative in their mindset.(The Relaxation Response. Herbert Benson MD. William Morrow & Co New York 1975)
Hypnotherapy can also relax the mind, but we must take into account the differing depths of trance that you may go into. There are four measurable states

  • Light Trance – which most people can go into quite easily as it’s relaxation with a focused attention. Watching TV, reading a good book, even driving may be activities you do whilst in this state.
  • Apparent somnambulism – a deeper state where it looks as if you are deeply relaxed, but not deep enough for pain relief or anesthesia
  • True somnambulism  – in this state surgical or dental procedures can take place and the mind goes into a state of blank “nothingness”
  • The Esdaile State – not many people achieve this coma like state and it is said that in this state you can achieve total bliss.

In answer to the question, both can improve creativity, but as Meditation relies on regular practice, blocks may return. In the trance state, suggestions can be made that are accepted by the subconscious mind and only a few sessions may be needed. If the block is a result of stress from a traumatic event, then a therapeutic intervention can be done to clear that whilst in trance as well.

Another therapeutic application of Hypnotherapy is the Virtual Gastric Band program. Lately there has been a lot of publicity about the excellent results in reducing Diabetes Type 2 when a surgical Gastric Band has been fitted. The cost of this operation is now around $14,000 and, as with all surgery has some risks. The Virtual Gastric Band is just that…virtual… and has been used successfully around the world for some years….and with no side effects. I was trained to deliver this program 6 years ago and have seen great success with clients who commit to following the program. The brochure is available on this page….

Add yourself to the Reiki Register Here

What is the Reiki Register?
It is an opportunity for you to receive a full Reiki session at no cost to you during any 1:1 or small group training in exchange for honest and detailed feedback to the student.

How long does it take?
You will need to allow around 2 hours for a fully supervised session and feedback to the person giving the treatment. The session is “in person” for Level 1 trainings and remotely at a designated time for Level 2.

Do I need to be a Reiki Practitioner?
You don’t need to have done a Reiki course, but ideally you will have experienced at least one Reiki session, but this is not a pre-requisite.

What happens after I register? After your registration, you will receive an email detailing the date, time and location of the training.

How are sessions allocated?
Sessions are allocated on a first come, first served basis and you will be notified if you have the session or not. In other news, work continues at the retreat and you can follow the progress on my blog.

I have upgraded my EMF Balancing Techinique practitioner status – which I studied way back in 2000 – and for the Autumn season, (March, April & May) I  am offering Phases 1 to IV at just $90 a session or a package of all four phases at $320 – saving $40.

Unfortunately, due to exchange rates and changes at the Institute of Social + Emotional Intelligence the cost of SEI profiles have risen. Coaching packages are available at the current rate.

Six Signs of Sabotage

You’ve decided to do something about your weight. All goes well for a short time and then you may experience a plateau and in some cases a spiraling out of control and before you know it, you are back to where you started from.. perhaps even heavier.

How did that happen?

  1. Whilst a part of you wants to achieve success, there may be another part, an inner saboteur that is lurking within, ready to derail you. Sometimes the saboteur is someone near and dear to you. Family members, whilst often well-meaning, will sabotage your plans because of their own control issues. A partner may feel threatened by your new svelte and healthy appearance, subconsciously thinking that you will leave the relationship and sabotage your efforts by buying you chocolates or cakes.
  2. Are you drinking enough fluid? Water is preferable, but there are other non-calorific drinks such as herbal teas that are suitable. If you are dehydrated, you are sabotaging your weight loss by slowing the fat burning process down.
  3. Are you eating enough? Not eating enough puts the body into survival mode. After spending the night sleeping your blood sugar will have dropped, so skipping breakfast is another way to sabotage your weight loss. Make breakfast a priority and remember the saying “Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.” Having a good breakfast will help with your concentration and give you more energy to get through the day.
  4. Are you eating too much? Sugars and refined carbohydrates can be sneaky little devils. Substituting with Aspartame or other chemical sweeteners is not the answer either. Watch your alcohol intake as it converts to a sugar when being processed by the liver. It is likely you are overestimating how much you are eating.  Even though you are choosing healthy foods on your weight loss journey, the portion size matters.
  5. You have bad habits around food. Sitting in front of the TV to eat is a common one. You will either be eating too quickly, or eating unconsciously. Set the table, eat mindfully, putting down your knife and fork between bites and really savour the food…the flavour and textures of your meal. Make it as much a feast for the eyes as it is about an intake of calories. Grazing on food, having “nibbles” readily available is another bad habit. Clear the pantry of those snacks, biscuits and other easy to eat temptations.
  6. Do you “treat” yourself with food? If that inner voice whispers to you “I lost weight so I deserve to have that chocolate/icecream/biscuit/cake…….” you need to review your mindset around food. That inner voice may also whisper to you “just one …..” which if you take the offer up, helps you to slide down the slippery slope of sabotage. If you are going to treat yourself, choose something that’s not food related, like a movie, a massage or a new item of clothing. Take a long term view of your weight loss journey and check in with your thoughts on a regular basis. Instead of thinking that you are deprived of something, change your mindset by asking “Is this a necessity?” or “Is this an obstacle to me achieving my goal weight?”

Chronic stress can also contribute to weight gain. Cortisol, released as part of the stress response, can cause you to have an increased appetite and to crave carbohydrates. A quick way to reduce stress is with exercise to counter the effects of the stress hormones and meditation to still the mind.

To help you still the mind, I’m sharing my 20 minute Easy Weight Loss video which you can use as a meditation or a screen saver.