Category Archives: Reiki

The wanderer returns home

This is my Dad.
We had our differences when I was growing up and they were pretty full on at times. I left home at 19, but returned annually to catch up with Mum for many years and there was much left unspoken.
Mum died in 1999 and from that year on, Dad travelled over to spend Christmas with my family as my brother went to New Zealand to celebrate the holiday season with his wife’s family.
A bout of bowel cancer slowed him down a little …. and his increasing age, so he decided to sell up his unit in Perth and move to a retirement complex in the outer Melbourne suburbs to be closer to my family.
A difficult decision at 85.
Still a little wary of him, I visited weekly, taking him shopping on a Sunday and we slipped into a routine.
If he needed to go to the doctor, I took him.
The kids liked playing Ludo with him and we shared meals for significant occasions.
Heart attacks, one for him, one for me….
…we muddled along and along the way we became friends… finding that we had similar interests in religion, meditation, reincarnation…..
The kids promised to visit ….and did on occasions, stepping up nobly when we were travelling and taking him out for a special birthday lunch one year.
He turned 90… then 91… it seemed like he was going on forever… then earlier this year, his older brother died, then his sister’s husband. Suddenly he began to talk of the completing this life cycle….he became a little breathless… he fervently completed jumbo crosswords to prove that he wasn’t going senile.. and the chest pains began.
At first I thought it to be a result of greiving for the men he used to know, but the emergency department x-rays showed up what was thought to be pneumonia.
Stubbornly, he insisted he would be alright at home and I assured the doctor I would follow up with the GP.
The tests showed that he had lung cancer.
That was a Thursday. Ever independent, he caught the retirement village bus that afternoon to go and get a haircut and do his shopping.
My brother visited on the Monday, taking some time out from a conference that he was attending, to spend an hour or so with him.
On Tuesday, the pain intensified and an ambulance was called. He spent the afternoon in Emergency and was sent home that evening as he said he didn’t want any intervention.
By the Friday evening of that same week he had been admitted to a hospice for pain management as he was finding it difficult to move from the bed to the bathroom. Still independent, he fell from his bed as he tried to get to the bathroom…
A few days of care and the pain intensified… he hovered between here and the nether worlds….aware of what was happening and telling me about the experience…and on the sixth morning he slipped over to the other side and died peacefully in his sleep……

Stretched like a rubber band

Amazing how a rubber band will return to its shape time and time again.   

A rubber band comes in all colours and sizes, thick or thin, large or small…. 
Stretch it out, use it to bundle together letters, wind it the top of an open bag to seal it, use it to tie up hair, flicked from the end of fingers or rulers by children of all ages – so many uses for such a simple strip of rubber. 
Such resilience….but eventually they do snap or break. 
I do wonder if they are still made of rubber……
Sometimes there are a series of events in one’s life where the emotions go all “rubbery”. Some could say “pear shaped” but I prefer the simile of the rubber band because it implies that you can stretch yourself towards achieving something worthwhile.
The last few weeks have been a series of challenges and the emotions have been stretched right out, then back to everyday tasks and then quickly stretched again. As my work revolves around stress management, I wonder if I can claim the hours put into these challenges as work experience or continuing education points! I am using the tools that I give to my clients for myself and am finding that most of the time I can remain centred.

Stretches # 1, 2, 3, 6 & 7 revolve around my aging father. 91 (and a half), his health has started to deteriorate. 
Noticeably so after his brother in law in the UK passed away just a few weeks prior. 
I thought it was grief; unresolved grief residual from Mum’s death. He began to get chest pains and had to be taken to hospital twice by ambulance. 

The first visit didn’t resolve anything and the medico’s decided to try him on medication for the heart, which would increase the dizziness he was experiencing.  The second trip, this time to a different hospital would reveal that he had pneumonia, according to the xrays taken.
Fiercely independent, he wanted to be discharged and I promised the emergency doctor that he would be followed up by the GP.  
More tests – blood and sputum showed no indication of infection, so he went for a CT scan. By this stage, we were having daily visits to various medical establishments and I was using the time productively to catch up on some professional reading, which I probably would have continued to put aside if I was in the office.
Late to the next GP visit – it actually cut the waiting time down to 15 minutes instead of 50, the doctor was unusually serious. The CT scan had revealed what is most likely to be lung cancer and thought to be secondaries from his previous bowel cancer. After hearing the diagnosis, he discussed how he wanted his funeral to go and his last wishes. The following days, he lost his appetite even more and took to his bed on the weekend, whilst still stubbornly insisting that he will be able to look after himself without help.
Stretch #4 was unrelated to my Dad.

A beautiful weekend. A warm Spring day and visitors were over for a BBQ and dip in the pool.  My husband likes to potter around the house and garden and although the solar heater had been taking the chill of the water, he thought he might light the big gas heater and give it a little help…. The pilot light was out and he had several goes until the gas lit. As it lit, he singed his hair, eyebrows and burnt his arms.  He’s stubborn too… standing with his arms in the laundry sink full of water and smelling of burnt hair, didn’t want to go to the doctor. Even with wet towels wrapped around his arms, still saying he didn’t want to go….. I reckon I’m just as stubborn and I put the bucket in the car, drove him to the nearest emergency department where he was treated by a bemused doctor. The second hospital emergency department in one week for me to visit. Arms finally bandaged, he looked a bit like a mummy in progress, although by Monday he had taken the bandages off because they were irritating him.

Stretch #5 has been a long stretch. Not as long as it could have been though. Our son’s ex-girlfriend texted him a photo of her ultrasound at 21 weeks.  At least we only had 20 something weeks to wait. She went into labour on the Monday morning and I picked my son up from work and drove him down to the hospital. He stayed, the phone went flat just as she had started to push, so no more news. 
Update: A girl – 4040gms. (8lb 14oz) and the baby & mother visited Dad on Friday before his transfer to the hospice.
Stretch # 6 was the visit of the prodigal son. My brother often comes to Melbourne, rarely visits my Dad since he relocated from Perth 6 years ago. Dad’s anxiety rose as the time got +nearer and he asked me to be there as well. My brother arrived, with his daughter.  Although she has been studying in Melbourne for the last 2 years, she had not yet been to visit.
Stretch #7 was the rapid decline of my father. Another hospital visit and another return home, this time with strong pain medication to help him. I spent the following day sitting in his unit checking up on him from time to time. Some great conversations with him regarding his transition. He had been seeing colours, ranging from red, white and blue (“very patriotic” he said) to purples and reds and some warm yellows and orange.
He was feeling the presence of my mother and felt like others were popping their heads around the door to call him. We talked of his readiness to go and how every so often he thought he was going, only to be called back at the last minute. He felt he had something to tell me, that was on the tip of his tongue, only to be forgotten at the last minute. His mind remained sharp only to cloud over, in spite of the analgesia, whenever he moved. Eating little, but drinking enough to moisten his mouth every so often, he became quite gaunt. As the day progressed, he dozed on and off, sending me to check his mailbox for news as to whether he had won the Reader’s Digest sweepstakes. He was worrying about how to share it best amongst the 2 families!
Stretch # 8 is yet to occur…………He was transferred to a Hospice last night and is made comfortable, so we are in the middle of this stretch……

Winter Solstice 2012

The days have been drawing in and today marks the Winter Solstice in Australia.
The shortest day of the year or the longest night and how you view this depends on your mindset.
For me, it marks the beginning of the return to summer and warmth.
I can certainly appreciate the beauty that the winter season brings with the deciduous trees displaying the amazing structure of branches that may have been hidden by foliage, the patterns that ice makes on the windscreen, the first tentative shoots of the spring bulbs in the garden and so on.

This Solstice also has a New Moon associated with it and putting the two together can create some pretty powerful alchemy.
Two turning points!
The New Moon is associated with bringing in new intentions and new energy, so is an ideal time to be writing your next 90 day goals and reviewing your desires.
Take a moment to feel what it is that your heart really desires. Utilize your senses and see, hear and feel what it looks like, sounds like and feels like to have what you desire or wish for. Note whether it is in alignment with your Higher Self – does it feel congruent?
Really capture the feel of your wish or desire. Phrase it positively and make an affirmation, using words that have health, happiness and a sense of ease in them.
What will stand in your way to achieving this? Are there any blocks?
What do you need to let go of and release with gratitude to allow the new energy in? By releasing any negative traits that you may be holding on to, you create a space for new abundance and prosperity to florish.
Now it’s up to you- as well as the Universe – you need to work towards the wish, make it an achievable goal and understand that this is an energetic intention.
You can give your intention a helping hand to release any energetic blocks in your body, by having a Polarity Therapy Massage or a Reiki treatment.

Life Lessons

I came across a saying at a training I went to recently:

“Are you ripe and rotting or green and growing?”

I would like to think that I am still green and growing, even though chronologically am scooting through the years.

The past 12 months have provided me with some great learning moments and the highs and lows of seeking to bring more balance into my life.

Challenged by new learning systems, particularly self paced study with webinars, and not face to face contact, I managed to achieve a bit over the months.  Difficult to find the balance between the detail that is required for submitting University papers and competency based  questions, I probably over intellectualized each question on the Cert 4 papers that I handed in.

The few face to face trainings that I did attend were quite unlike previous lectures or workshops and high energy and at times I was quite out of my comfort zone. All good though and I came away with new skills that I am putting to use on a daily basis.

Most of the year has been out of my comfort zone and parts of it have been a bit of a blur.

Physically, I was knocked out with a cardiac event – the date is indelibly marked in my mind – Thursday 10th February 2011. Emotionally, I was overwhelmed by the support of a few special people who have held my hand as I mended my heart. Particularly painful was the realization that family were not part of the healing process either at the time of the event or after the surgical ablation in July.

A bit like Humpty Dumpty, I felt like I had fallen off the wall and couldn’t be put back together again, but my “healing team”, consisting of a Homeopath, an Acupuncturist, a Hypnotherapist and a couple of Reiki Masters all worked hard to contribute to my improved health. I will also acknowledge the Cardiologist, in that he sorted out the electrical malfunction. New friends have been made and they may not be aware of the pearls of wisdom that they have given me at different times.

The lessons that clients bring are all part of the journey. It truly is a privilege to work with them and honour their trust as they go into a hypnotic trance. Each session has its special moments and it is quite profound to see the relaxation on their faces when they finish a session. Truly a trance-formation!

So the journey continues, veering down the spiritual road now, having picked up the tools of Reiki and Polarity Therapy  that I had set aside for so many years. Just recently I re-visited the EMF Balancing course that I did (OMG – that was last century!!)  And having picked up these tools, I am meeting and noticing people in my life that are claiming their spirituality, acknowledging the subtle energies of the body and feeling so much better for having them in my life.

Energy systems

The energy exploration continues…. In the past week or so I have come across Vivaxis, which warranted a look at and a continuation of studying the human energy body.
In many cultures there has been a long and detailed study of the energy systems of the body – particularly in India with Ayurvedic Medicine and China with the energy of the meridians found in Acupuncture.
All of which leads back to where I started, going back to Reiki and Polarity Therapy, both of which I studied and now use on a daily basis.
Part of the daily practice in this year of energy exploration has been the use of the zen chi machine and I am now combining that time with listening to hypnotic recordings. Gradual changes in my personal energy are being noticed and I feel more centred and clear.

Add a little chi

Chi (or Ki in Japanese) is all about energy.
“Where attention goes, energy flows” – I’m not sure who said that, but I like it!
The reason I am focusing on energy is because I’m in the process of writing a workbook to accompany an energy workshop. 
It took a request from a client to experience a Polarity massage to revisit the practices that I had let lapse.
The daily meditation was still in place but since the health issue last year, my personal energy fields are quite depleted. I was eating well – too well – given that I was not as active as I had been before.
But something had changed within.
Again and again I found myself drawn to the study of energy within the body. Using the emWave daily has helped with finding congruence and the HeartMath material on the energetic heart is great reading. Well, I think so!
Another energy system that I use regularly is Reiki – hands on daily and all the better if there is someone to do it for. I have always enjoyed the quietness that comes from giving a Reiki and it took a conversation with another Reiki Master Teacher just recently to realize that I need to schedule some regular classes to teach. Currently I offer “boutique” training, which means that I teach when the student enquires about a class.
Another energy system that I have recently revisited is the EMF Balancing Technique and the energy generated by using one of the symbols has been very effective in making some changes to my work environment.
Last weekend I dusted off the Zen Chi machine and gave it a go. I did this because I couldn’t get medical clearance to go to the gym and decided to be a little more pro-active in minding my own health.
I had forgotten the feeling that is experienced after a session and today is now Day 3 of my new and improved energy program.


Just for today refrain from anger,
Just for today,
refrain from worry,

Be grateful to all living things,

Appreciate all that is,

Be kind to all living things.

There are numerous Reiki schools and associations and it is important to choose the teacher and method that most resonates with you. There are purists and innovators in every field. To embrace change in a meaningful way, without detracting from the original message, can lead to greater understanding.

Having said that, change for change’s sake is not always necessary. As my inspirational mentor and teacher once said, “Spirit loves ritual”. And so it is with Reiki. Becoming attuned to Reiki is the start of a fantastic journey, not always smooth sailing, but always leading towards a strengthened spirit.

Starting even before the first attunement, there is an energetic shift. Extra-ordinary things will start to happen. Synchronicity…….. A heightened awareness……. Anticipation……

Let’s look at the precepts and deconstruct them.  Just for today – this is all about living in the moment.

Be present.

Your presence when you are with other people is the greatest gift you can give them. Read Eckhart Tolle’s books if you haven’t already.

refrain from anger ….. what are you angry about? Is it anger or an underlying emotion? Is it a habitual response?

Whatever it is, refrain from it for today. If that is difficult at first, put it aside  for 5 minutes, then extend the time. Replace this emotion with a positive emotion and feel the difference. It gets easier with practice and it is amazing the difference it makes.

refrain from worry ….. what are you worrying about? How does that worry serve you? Especially while you are in a Reiki session. If you are worrying, you are not present and in the now.  Put it aside for today, as the saying goes, “let go and let God/ Spirit…….”

Be grateful to all living things…gratitude is underestimated. We take so much for granted. Be thankful for what we have, and in the west, we have so much more than many millions of others. Our bodies function for us – yes, there are sometimes issues with how they function, but as you are reading this, you are alive. When we show gratitude for  what we have a shift in consciousness. As I write this, I can hear birdsong and traffic. I have the time to write this as a new client chose to do something else at this hour. I am grateful for the time to write and reflect.

There is another version of the Reiki precepts that has this line, “Honour your parents, teachers and elders“.  Include it if you find it resonates with your belief system. For those abused by anyone in this category, I would remove it.

Another line that appears in some versions is ” Be honest in your work”. This goes without saying. Be honest and true to yourself and to your client. Earn your living in a way that is congruent with your values.

Appreciate all that is…when you appreciate all that is, you become fully aware of your life path and your value. Appreciate your significance and all that is around you.