Category Archives: Philosophy

Homeopathic prescribing

If you are working as a therapist you may be tempted to use some of the homeopathic remedies readily available in the health food stores.

I would strongly suggest that you undertake some basic training  in Homeopathy before dispensing remedies to your clients. You  need to become what Homeopathy has described as the unprejudiced observer and understand what the remedies will do and the possible aggravations that can occur. Although the remedies can be classed as a natural medicine, you must bear in mind that what can heal can also harm if given in the wrong dose and at the wrong time.

There are lots of labels in our busy world, some are disease labels – others are behaviour labels. What we must do is to observe each person as a whole. Each person has separate needs and experiences. So what is trauma or difficulty for one person may have little long-term impact on another.

There may be times that you as the therapist or practitioner requires a remedy. It must be stated that it is extraordinarily difficult to treat oneself, family or close friends. Seek professional advice. You are of no use if you give yourself a remedy that causes an aggravation of symptoms.

Homeopathy seeks to strengthen the body at the cellular level, so that we have a greater freedom to avoid the patterns of our ancestors. Some of the issues that can be helped by homeopathy are:

–          Grief

–          Abuse

–          Post traumatic stress disorders

As each person’s needs are quite different, so a different remedy will be needed even if there are the same or similar conditions prevailing. Seek out an experienced homeopath to whom you can go to for treatment and until you are qualified, send your clients to.

The major Contra-indications to giving a remedy are

–          When the client is already under constitutional Homeopathic treatment. Taking another remedy may interfere with the action of the remedy given by the Client’s primary care provider.

–          When the client is known to have great sensitivity to mainstream medications or allergens. (Seek professional advice before giving a remedy – you may prefer to use a flower essence or Rescue Remedy)

–          When consent has not been given.


Move your life forward with this powerful combination of Hypnotherapy and Coaching techniques. Explore your core values, talents and strengths to maximize your potential and achieve your goals, increase motivation, confidence.

Use the hypnotic trance to make changes to your subconscious, while the conscious mind responds to traditional coaching techniques.

Self Hypnosis techniques will enable you to ensure long term success. A no cost 20 minute session will determine if this is the right program for you.



Professional & Personal Development Programs

Learn effective relaxation and stress busting techniques and how to implement them in the workplace environment.

Regular meditation has been shown to improve health and well-being, lowering blood pressure, improves concentration and reduces activity in the nervous system.  Studies document the many benefits of meditation and with ongoing practice, participants are able to self regulate their responses to anxiety and tension.

There are physiological, psychological and spiritual benefits to meditating.

  • Physiologically, meditation decreases the metabolic rate, reduces high blood pressure and lowers cortisol levels. Regular meditation changes the brain and enhances neural function.
  • The psychological benefits are improved memory and emotional stability while a decrease in anxiety, depression and moodiness can be measured.
  • An increase in compassion, awareness and personal growth can be attributed to the spiritual benefits of meditation.

Call and make a booking for a complimentary 20 minute consultation to discuss what package or program will best suit you or your workplace.


Supporting your journey

Term 1 will finish in just a few weeks and for VCE students, that means that there are effectively only 2 more terms left until the exams.

You can take some simple steps to prepare yourself and develop  effective and time efficient strategies to enable you to  fully prepare and become reasonably relaxed going into the exam period.

Parents and teachers will be talking about time management, study skills, diet and exercise. How to juggle all of this and still have a social life and get the marks that you want?  …….blah, blah, blah….. of course you want the marks and you want a life!

Research shows that a relaxed person learns better, so what are you doing for relaxation? Watching TV, some sport..? How about some meditation?  Dr Herbert Benson led the research many years ago with a groundbreaking book called The Relaxation Response . Research demonstrates that regular meditative practice helps with many physical and emotional issues.

So how do you relax?

There are 6 basic steps.

  1. Find somewhere quiet to sit – it’s better to sit, and not lie down as you might drift off to sleep otherwise
  2. Take a couple of deep breaths and then gently close your eyes
  3. Focus your attention on the muscles around your eyes and forehead and then relax them and work down to your toes. In the Relaxation Response it is suggested to start at your toes and work up but do whatever is more effective for you.
  4. Breathe through your nose and be aware of the out breath, letting it take away tension from the day. You can count the breaths if you choose. Just being aware of your breathing is enough. You will notice it changing to a more even and regular pattern.
  5. Continue doing this for 10 – 20 minutes. The longer you do it, the more benefit. If you can only manage 5 minutes, then that’s what you can manage – don’t stress about it.
  6. Remain in a relaxed state. If thoughts come in, acknowledge them and let them drift past like clouds in the sky….return your focus to your breathing.

With practice, this all becomes easier and it is surprising how long you can meditate for. Learning becomes easier because like clearing out old files from the hard drive, you have cleared a space for new information to be processed.

If you are having difficulty in setting up a meditation routine, then that’s where I can help!

Call or email to book into some guided sessions to start you off. These sessions provide you with a comfortable environment and a regular time scheduled.

A bright future

Building a bright and positive future for yourself starts with a single page of paper. You know the saying that a journey starts with a single step, so let’s do it a little differently and write down some of your goals and aspirations.

Be imaginative, take a deep breath and let go of the tensions of the day and put pen (or pencil) to paper.

It is now the end of 2010. ( yes I know time has flown these last 2 months, but this is really quick!!)

I have had the best year of my life.  (now it’s time for you to fill in the gaps & follow the prompts at the left of the page…)


Friends and family……


My holiday was…..

Overall, my best achievement was……