Category Archives: oracle cards

An Astrological New Year

Just recently, the astrological influences were full of Chiron in almost every aspect of my chart.
Fortunate to be offered a chance to be a “case study” for a friend undertaking post graduate qualifications, I saw this as an opportunity to work on “The Wounded Healer”.

Interesting what came up for me at this time and I have started working on an outline for a new book as a result.

I’m happy to have help from all areas, including Astrology, Tarot and the spirit world, if it brings some clarity to my life.
I subscribe to a daily forecast for Gemini and find that the readings are generally pretty spot on for me…. today’s was interesting!

“Despite the fact that you’re now in the early days of your birthday month and new solar year and you even have a New Moon in 2 days time that will ask that you draw a new line in the sand, it’s too soon to fully turn your back on the past. Instead you have the luxury of being able to leave the doors to the past open, retaining a clear view of the rear view mirror and the road ahead. At any time, when you’re unsure what new steps you should take, you’re free to look back to the past for inspiration.

 It’s crossroads time again……
I’m drawn to spending more time up at the retreat ….. but that requires some building extensions and serious electrical and plumbing work to make it work. As well as deciding whether I will go to live up there full time at some stage,.
Then there is a decision to make as to whether I keep paying rent on the clinic room I have at present (especially if I’m not there all the time). It might make more economic sense to let it go and use my home office again, now that dear old Ben the Labrador is no longer there to cry at the closed door.

I turned to Colette Baron-Reid’s The Enchanted Map this morning for a 6 card reading. 5 cards fell on the floor as I was shuffling, so I kept them and laid them out in the order they fell, then picked a final card from the cut deck to make up the 6.

  1. Past Influence – Magic Stream (Reversed)Swimming against the current… time to stop “trying”, jump into the stream and float……immersing yourself and be fully present in the moment. Many of my talks have been on Meditation and Mindfulness. I have an emWave (which sat idle for many months … time to walk the talk and be fully present.
  2. Present Point – Rock Bottom – This is the point where you can go no further doing what you have been doing. The old way of doing things must be discarded in order to move fully onward and upward. A new direction & strategy are needed. Surrender, accept things as they are & synchronicity will sort things out. By letting go completely a miracle can occur…Wasn’t it Einstein who said that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again? Time to get over myself and use the gifts and therapy tools in a different way. Let go and let God is another saying that one of my teachers gave me…..
  3. What you resist – Intention – Inspired intentions are like magic arrows shot into the sky….connect to the power of intention, let others help to co-create reality & allow synchronicity to work the magic. Own the life you want to lead & live deliberately…..Rather than daydreaming, it’s time to focus the intention on what I really  want…. making some positive goals, setting time frames …. all the very things I ask clients to do……..
  4. Unexpected Help – Rescue You are always safe and secure, and free to be yourself are the words at the top of the guide to this card…Asking for help isn’t easy for many successful people. However, that’s what you need to do now as you expand your life. Ask and assistance will come your way and the expected support will come from Spirit. With the right relationship with the Divine, conditions will line up and help will arrive….. It’s easy to forget to ask Spirit and the Angels for help. It has always come in the past and for that I have been grateful. I’m sure gratitude is the key ….
  5. The next right action – Encouragement The last card in this deck... “you are receiving a nudge in the right direction”…. Step into your power, into the dream of your life. New things are out there to be explored and the universe is giving you a nudge in the right direction. You will get the help you need and won’t be alone in your quest. Every step is supported by the wisdom of the universe. You are on the right path….. keep going! Not the time to give upMemo to self…. stop wallowing, take the Victim stamp off your forehead…. yes the past has had some difficult circumstances, but it is the past and like the astrological reading says, view it in the rear view mirror as you drive  with a clear view to a new destination – the future…
  6. Probable future destination – Mountain “You have the capacity to flow around any obstacle. This is the time to adapt”…. what seems to be an insurmountable obstacle, like a mountain is in the path of success. Rather than climb it, be like the rivers that flow around mountains naturally. Adapt to circumstances. If you do climb it, take one step at a time…. 

And so the reading comes full circle….. I do have to chuckle at what a random set of cards will come up with.

Just to be sure I drew one more card for my Soul’s Intention. 
Home – Peace, security, safety, belonging are all features one would want from “Home” are indicated now. Time for opening your eyes to your tribe of like minded people. … home is love & it’s all around you ….you are where you are meant to be and will reap great benefits by staying on this path, regardless of where it leads  – Home is where the heart is!! I found this reading to be quite educational. Certainly there are layers that need to be further unpacked.  
Already we are beginning to come into the energy of the New Moon on Thursday. This makes it an excellent time to do a series of meditations on this reading and create the intent to move forward at the same time as letting go of ego’s investment in the outcome. 
A great time to set new goals, which model to use?  
SMART, GROW, Be Do Have or another? 
Maybe all of the them as an exercise to gain clarity.
Behavioural flexibility is yet another key…… I can’t change the world, but I can change the way I think, what I do, which in turn will change my physiology and my perspective.


Healing through readings

Every so often I have a need to go to the Oracle cards for clarity.
My favourite style of reading is to select a number of cards from different decks, place them in a grid and then read them. Jotting down the messages from both the pictures and the accompanying booklets and then typing them up.
Quite amazing how a message will jump out – the same message from different decks providing an affirmation that Spirit is wanting to pass something on!! A quick “cut and paste” will arrange the main points coherently….

Those who know me, will be aware that the last few months have been difficult to say the least …..

Intellectually I thought I was prepared for Dad to move into a different realm and was blessed to have conversations with him as he did so. He described walking into a large open space, with lots of lights and some people coming to greet him.

Perhaps now I will do the Lives between Lives Hypnotherapy training!
What I wasn’t prepared for, was the physical effects of the grief.
The emotional roller coaster and the fatigue. I have found myself struggling to maintain a positive physiology and just the other day, this was brought to my attention when an acquaintance, who is a shaman, came into the tearoom and asked if I was OK.

I haven’t been to the cards for myself for a while and today I was drawn to do a reading before starting work on a presentation for next week and am sharing it here.

I used 3 packs – Collette Baron-Reid’s The Enchanted Map, Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Cards  and Ascended Masters.

Know that it is safe to teach and at the same time be open to new ideas. Overcoming the previous difficulties and challenges have made you stronger. Your experiences are not a single story, but they filter into one another. 
Teach others from this experience and teach topics that awaken your passion. 

Good fortune, ambitions will be fulfilled as you enter into a time of happiness long overdue.
Everything is connected through the universal flow of consciousness and this connection will allow synchronicity to work its magic.  
When you use clear and focussed intention and have positive expectations the inspiration will flow and you will become a channel for inspiration.
Live deliberately and with focus. 
Trust in the inner knowledge – embrace it and trust…

Meditate, use clear and focussed attention to reach inner peace. 

Let go of self doubt and ignore the critics and skeptics and know that Spirit is supporting you, 

even if there are people around who are not.
Abundance will come through living life authentically.
 Listen to your heart’s truth.