
Coaching at balance4life

Curious about what coaching will do for you? Coaching is useful for “getting unstuck”, helps you gain clarity, as well as giving you valuable tools towards reducing stress. There is a difference between coaching and counselling. In the coaching conversation you take a more active role in determining your goals and outcomes. It’s never too late to follow your passion and purpose in life!  If you have been doing what “is right” or “expected” of you leaves you feeling as life is an effort or the spark has dimmed then we should have a conversation. Now is the time to re-ignite that spark and feed your soul.

I don’t know who said it, but it resonated with me… “Do more of what you love and less of what you don’t” and see where that takes you!

Why Coaching will make you smarter..

Just as exercise makes you fitter, it also helps you learn….at any age! It’s not only the body that needs exercising, the mind needs to have a stretch every so often as well. Coaching will help you to reach your peak mental performance and regular sessions will help bring clarity to whatever you are seeking to change. A few sessions will help you to clear any beliefs that you have around being

  • too old
  • not qualified
  • not “enough”

Yes, there will be an element of fear as you change these old beliefs and some challenges both for you and those around you. Imagine being able to wake up each day with more energy because you have reduced your stress. Feeling confident and secure in the knowledge that the tools you have used have transformed your life.

Who needs Coaching?

You can get a coach for almost anything. A coach to enhance your sporting prowess, for business, health or even to improve your Emotional Intelligence or just to get some clarity and balance back in your life. Meg is an insightful and intuitive coach who understands the issues faced by the 55+ age group or the “sandwich generation”. Faced with aging parents, adult children, perhaps grandchildren and the decision to move towards retirement or re-invention, it can be difficult to see what direction to take.

Regular coaching sessions encourage you to make positive changes in mindset and lifestyle. Accountability for your actions (or lack of) is part of the coaching process and this builds your belief in your ability to get things done. Customized coaching sessions can be enhanced with the addition of a Social and Emotional Intelligence profile that will enable you or a young adult in your life to develop stronger Emotional Intelligence skills. Recent times have meant that we can’t always get to see a coach in person, so I have developed a reasonably priced mini online coaching program that will help you live a more balanced life.

Workshops & Presentations

Workshops and presentationsEmotional Intelligence is no longer considered a “soft” skill.  Many organizations now look to how they can provide strategies for their workforce or student cohort. Ideally, all emerging leaders (whether at school or in the workplace) will benefit from having practical and effective strategies  that help them to strengthen their emotional intelligence.

Workshops and presentations  vary from 90 minutes to full day workshops and all participants will leave with tools to implement straight away. Sessions can be arranged face to face or via phone/Zoom

To know more about how I can help you contact me via the form below.

