The past few weeks have slipped by in a bit of a blur….. and suddenly it is mid October!
I decided to sit down and coach myself – taking the time to be honest in my answers and posing what I thought were some pretty good questions.
Starting off with ” What do I want to focus on?” Now there’s an interesting question… having been blessed with the double whammy of mercurial Gemini and (year of the) monkey mind, I am easily distracted by “bright, shiny” things. The conclusion I came to was that I need to focus….. FOCUS. Full stop.
“So how is that a problem for me right now?”
Still feeling tired and muddle-headed from the vaccination reaction, I am aware that my focus has shifted. Yes, I love seeing clients for Hypnotherapy and Coaching, but the marketing and business side of it is exhausting. Time to consolidate my interests, including websites and blogs and perhaps do some outsourcing, giving me time to see more clients, write more material and most importantly, time to stop and smell the roses. But back to FOCUS…… and answering the question….. I find that I am a little lot less patient with myself than with clients. So the problem is staying on task and to do this I need to create a clearer idea of the future. Future clients, future seminars and be more specific.
I did have to chuckle when I went back to my vision board from a few months ago…… there it was…. the request to the universe to have at least 3 weeks off, resting, sleeping in, and having some general “down time”. The universe gave me 5 weeks and the time off wasn’t at a resort or retreat, but home in bed!!
Next question…. “If everything was exactly how I wanted it to be……what would I see? What would I hear? What would I feel? What would I be telling myself?” ………this is being specific!! So I have duly answered those questions and put them into my new vision board. It’s the perfect timing for it with the October Full Moon (& eclipse).
Am I going to tell you what I put down?
Maybe, but not today.