The yin yang symbolizes the polar opposites found in the universe forming a whole by their combination. The two spots contained in each half represent the seed of the other, ready to transform. There are many variations of the symbol and the fluidity of the circle lends itself to artistic interpretation.
References to the yin yang appear in the I Ching, written more than 2000 years ago. Chinese medicine embraces the use of the yin yang and the polar opposites to treat a variety of illnesses. In classical Chinese medicine, one must choose the correct food and have the right psychological outlook to maintain equilibrium.
Natural phenomena are also grouped according to the precepts of Taoism. For day the opposite is night; summer is opposite to winter; light is opposite to dark and so on.
The Yin yang symbol represents that events of the world and possessions are appearing and dissolving continuously, just as the elements of which they are composed go through their birth-and-death cycles.
”The principle of Yin and Yang is the foundation of the entire universe.
It underlies everything in creation.
It brings about the development of parenthood; it is the root and source of life and death it is found with the temples of the gods
In order to treat and cure diseases one must search for their origins.”
The Yellow Emperor