I keep getting glimpses or flashes of movement out of the corner of my eye… taking a photo in the general direction usually reveals a series of orbs… a large, round dark blue one, an oval shaped aqua blue and a bright green orb. Sometimes they appear on their own and other times all together.
The first time I saw them on camera was on a trip to far north Queensland and we were coming home via Lawn Hill. Camped in a shady spot called Adele’s Grove, I had a sense of this movement or presence. Later that trip we encountered heavy rain and flooding just out of Innaminka in Central Australia and I discovered the green orb in photos of the very muddy car. I get a sense that they offer me protection.
From time to time as I have walked the labyrinth, I have felt a presence alongside me and since a friend who came to the “Back to Basics” weekend confirmed something similar, I decided to call in the Archangels as I walked the labyrinth on Sunday morning.
As I walked into the third ring, I got a sense of the light making shadow patterns with the grass gently blowing in the breeze. Each coil felt quite different as I walked, notwithstanding the change of direction and the uneven pathway.
At the centre, I paused for reflection and the light seemed to intensify and shimmer. When I looked up to focus myself for the walk out, I noticed the clouds……They looked like the remnants of a labyrinth drawn in the sky……
I centred myself and felt a powerful connection to the earth, through my legs and base chakra and then it was gone…. time to return to the outer world and continue with the day’s planned work. All too soon, I was back at the entrance and aware that a shift had occurred. Re-reading the journal work afterwards, I discovered a passage of writing that has intrigued me since. Next journey within the labyrinth I will ask for it to become more clear…….